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" These lasting bonds represent the true value of studying abroad…and I am thrilled that more and more students are getting this opportunity.


" Writing in the journal Personal Relationships, Professor Fehr added: 'If a close relationships researcher were to approach people on the street and ask, "What is the major obstacle to lasting love?


【 Abraham Lincoln()】(Rossie) Episode 4: Hopeless There is no lasting hope in violence, only temporary relief from hopelessness.


Adults who looked back on their relationships with their children, suggest you ask yourself: "What are you doing to create lasting, loving relationships with your children when they are 5?


Instead she found ways of punishment that left a more lasting memory then the short sting of a swat on our rumps.


Instead she found ways of punishment that left a more lasting memory then the short sting of a swat on our rumps.


) To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness.

英语名人名言: Work 工作

5 It has been my experience that one cannot, in any shape or form, depend on human relations for lasting reward.

英语名人名言: Wealth 财富

Bonnie Friedman, in New York Times Prefer loss to the wealth of dishonest gain; the former vexes you for a time; the latter will bring you lasting remorse.

英语名人名言: Values 价值

William Fulbright (1905 - ), Remarks in the Senate, June 29, 1961 Lasting change is a series of compromises.

英语名人名言: Success 成功

It's about the daily labor, the many individual acts, the choices large and small that add up over time, over a lifetime to a lasting legacy.

The Five Boons of Life

Riches:they are but temporary disguises for lasting realities-Pain,Grief,Shame,Poverty.

英语名人名言: Sex 性别

Billy Crystal (1947 - ) Mortal lovers must not try to remain at the first step; for lasting passion is the dream of a harlot and from it we wake in despair.

英语名人名言: Science 科学

Louis Pasteur (1822 - 1895) As an adolescent I aspired to lasting fame, I craved factual certainty, and I thirsted for a meaningful vision of human life - so I became a scientist.

英语名人名言: Peace 和平

Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.

英国28岁学渣 驾考理论挂科110次

The practical driving test, lasting about 40 minutes, costs £62 to take on a weekday or £75 on an evening, weekend or bank holiday.


It's innate, invisible, unquantifiable characteristics that create lasting attraction.

英语名人名言:excellence 优秀

Publilius Syrus (~100 BC), Maxims The renown which riches or beauty confer is fleeting and frail; mental excellence is a splendid and lasting possession.


Riches: they are but temporary disguises for lasting realities Pain, Grief, Shame, Poverty.


Those who take short breaks away from their seats – lasting as little as a minute – at regular intervals throughout the day are less likely to be overweight and have high blood pressure.

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