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But he deserted at the first chance he got and—" "But that's very cowardly, isn't it"—said Peter—"to desert?


As he approached the house he was struck by the unearthly silence, and at first he thought it was deserted.


I could not imagine why Captain Nichols had married her, and having married her why he had not deserted her.


She had put some order into the drawing-room by now, her housewifely instincts having got the better of her dismay; and it no longer bore that deserted look, like a furnished house long to let, which I had noticed on my first visit after the catastrophe.


I gathered that the deserted partner was very angry and threatened proceedings.


"I suppose you've heard that blackguard has deserted her," he cried explosively.


All seemed very peaceful and deserted and quiet.


He had been on the river with some companions, leaving the Water Rat free to keep a engagement of long standing with Otter; and he had come back to find the house dark and deserted, and no sign of Rat, who was doubtless keeping it up late with his old comrade.


He saw the dust lying thick on everything, saw the cheerless, deserted look of the long-neglected house, and its narrow, meagre dimensions, its worn and shabby contents—and collapsed again on a hall-chair, his nose to his paws.


Here they saw many handsome boats, slung from the cross beams or hauled up on a slip, but none in the water; and the place had an unused and a deserted air.


Isabella—no wonder now I have not heard from her—Isabella has deserted my brother, and is to marry yours!


yes—I do not think I should be easily frightened, because there would be so many people in the house—and besides, it has never been uninhabited and left deserted for years, and then the family come back to it unawares, without giving any notice, as generally happens.

迷人四月天:Chapter 20

She went into the deserted upper hall with this intention, but was attracted on her way along it by the firelight shining through the open door of the drawing-room.


I thought you were desperately ill with smallpox and everybody deserted you, but I went boldly to your bedside and nursed you back to life; and then I took the smallpox and died and I was buried under those poplar trees in the graveyard and you planted a rosebush by my grave and watered it with your tears; and you never, never forgot the friend of your youth who sacrificed her life for you.


" Marilla felt deserted by everyone.


The long platform was almost deserted; the only living creature in sight being a girl who was sitting on a pile of shingles at the extreme end.


New York City, they said, was deserted; and that accounted, doubtless, for the sounds carrying so far in the tranquil summer air.


The key was still in the old pine—the house still silent and deserted.


A mile and a half from Port Lawrence there was a small railroad station with a little station-house which at this hour of the day was deserted, since no local train was due.


The boys never stopped till they reached the shed of a deserted slaughter-house at the lower end of the village.

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