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As former Senator Bob Dole (R-KS) once said, "The purpose of a tax cut is to leave more money where it belongs: in the hands of the working men and working women who earned it in the first place.


Japan General Estate Co said Tuesday it is planning to dole out thousands of dollars a month for its employees to go on the town in a bid to help communication.

乔布斯传 第131期:年度机器(3)

He had learned from his public relations consultant Regis McKenna how to dole out exclusive interviews in a dramatic manner.


Gillitt, who is vice president of nutrition research and director at the Dole Nutrition Institute explained to Huffington Post: 'Phloem bundles are necessary for the adequate disposition of nutrients throughout the plant.


For the mainly western companies that dole out jobs on the website, Ukrainian web and mobile developers are cheap, responsive and easily assessed based on verified reviews by previous clients.


In 2012, the city of Dubai increased the number of personnel authorized to dole out tickets for public urination law violators.


It seems the answer is that teachers think that overweight students are less intelligent, and dole out grades based on this perception.


He's also an expert fisherman and knows how to dole out advice about the best bait to use.

培根散文随笔集 论财富

" The personal fruition in any man, cannot reach to feel great riches: there is a custody of them; or a power of dole and donative of them; or a fame of them; but no solid use to the owner.

英语名人名言: Talent 天赋

Don't dole it out like a miser.

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