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分数与能力 Score and Ability

While in the job market, the latter is favored by the employers.

Zongzi 粽子

Both are special and favored by me.

可爱的熊猫 Lovely Panda

Its lovely image is favored by people from all over the world.

Wang Junkai 王俊凯

Wang Junkai is the captain of the group, and he is favored by a lot of young people.

Smile 微笑

It was reported that what kind of girls were favored by the boys.

Bike-sharing 共享单车

Ofo has been favored by the public, even the foreign people speak highly of it.


Chinese new techonology are favored by the world, which makes us be proud.


A person with the kind heart is favored by everyone and he has the sense to serve others.

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