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However, a bunch of so-called "gig economy" services, like Upwork and Fiverr, allow freelancers and small businesses to find clients.


6% Companies are always looking to save money, and outsourcing some roles to freelancers can help.


As Freelancers Union founder Sara Horowitz discovered when she created a health plan for freelancers, remote work can be very lonely.


As Freelancers Union founder Sara Horowitz discovered when she created a health plan for freelancers, remote work can be very lonely.

WeWork融资4.3亿美元 将向中国市场扩张

Mr Neumann founded WeWork in New York in 2010, aiming to lure freelancers and displaced workers to its offices in the wake of a harsh recession.


2: All freelancers make a ton of money!


But not only has Mr Melnichenko earned more since going solo than his wife expected, now Mrs Melnichenko, a financial controller with a large Ukrainian agricultural company, is also quitting her job and training as a coder — joining more than 120,000 Ukrainian freelancers pitching for work on online platforms like Upwork.


Freelancers make money from home by writing newspaper articles or creating graphics.

快点连上VPN 假装在外国

On the Indonesian island of Bali, a tropical paradise popular with foreigners, 100,000 online freelancers are registered with Elance and ODesk, which operate jointly.


oDesk&Elance oDesk and Elance (now in the process of merging) are freelance marketplaces, which allow you to quickly identify, engage and hire freelancers from all over the globe.


I have to drive a fair amount for my job, but many freelancers spend hours in airports, train stations, and bus terminals.

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