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) and a gratis case of early-onset regret for the gastronomic sin I was about to commit.


But one vendor is taking things to another gastronomic level, serving guinea pigs as a cold dessert.


Nor were the Scots the first to have the brainwave of putting hideous offal in a stomach and then eating it: some gastronomic historians argue that an ur-Haggis was created by the Romans in order to feed their troops.


The Dessert Kitchen, a gastronomic haven for outlandish pudding lovers, has created a confusing, yet equally appetising, sugary version of the classic dish that has earned its place at the top of the Insta-food leader board.


The tour, From Bark to Bottle, leads participants on an 11-day trip through Spain's cork trail to discover the lives of the harvesters, the forest's biodiversity and the cultural and gastronomic heritage of the area — in essence, the cork's path from tree to wine.

中国人心系中式早餐 豆浆油条

But there is one last bastion of gastronomic independence: breakfast.


No longer were rare delicacies the main attraction, and so maybe gastronomic enthusiasm has been dampened slightly.


Chinese leader Xi Jinping kicked off his trip to France Tuesday with a selection of Beaujolais wine, saucisson and cheese shortly after arriving in Lyon, the country's gastronomic capital.

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