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I say, I can conceive this, if he were under the pressure of hard circumstances—if he had been harassed as I feel sure Lydgate has been.


"I fear you are harassed.


I suppose no artist achieves completely the realisation of the dream that obsesses him, and Strickland, harassed incessantly by his struggle with technique, managed, perhaps, less than others to express the vision that he saw with his mind's eye; but in Tahiti the circumstances were favourable to him; he found in his surroundings the accidents necessary for his inspiration to become effective, and his later pictures give at least a suggestion of what he sought.


His round blue eyes looked harassed behind his glasses.


" "Yes, I know exactly what you will say: Friday, went to the Lower Rooms; wore my sprigged muslin robe with blue trimmings—plain black shoes—appeared to much advantage; but was strangely harassed by a queer, half-witted man, who would make me dance with him, and distressed me by his nonsense.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 35

But in Charlottetown harassed Queen's students thought and talked only of examinations.


Lynde he went accordingly, and that good lady promptly took the matter out of the harassed man's hands.


"'Twas disturbed I was in mind and proclivities by losing me job, bein' already harassed in me soul on account of havin' quarrelled with Norah Flynn a week before by reason of hard words spoken at the Dairymen and Street-Sprinkler Drivers' semi-annual ball, caused by jealousy and prickly heat and that divil, Andy Coghlin.


Since Tom's harassed conscience had managed to drive him to the lawyer's house by night and wring a dread tale from lips that had been sealed with the dismalest and most formidable of oaths, Huck's confidence in the human race was wellnigh obliterated.


Joe harassed him awhile, and then he got away and crossed back again.


So thought every harassed, hampered, respectable boy in St.


" Following that Zuo claimed to have "received lots of attacks and threats online" as well as being harassed "through phone calls, email and online", noting that part of the reason she initially signed on for the role was due to the opportunities working "with any top brand" overseas as a Chinese model would bring her.


As stars such as Kevin Spacey and Morgan Freeman were alleged to have assaulted or harassed performers, activists began using the hashtag to share their ordeals online.


Meanwhile, unaware that they are being harassed by extraterrestrial visitors, horses graze outside Baksan, and life goes on, whether we understand it or not.


Don't do that again', if they feel harassed.


A crew member also claimed to harassed and touched inappropriately, while a former camera assistant claimed that everyone knew about the actions but he never faced the consequences.


A student at the School of Foreign Languages said she and her classmates had all experienced being sexually harassed.


The local bus company says it'll protect women from being harassed when wearing lighter clothing, and also help breastfeeding mothers feel more comfortable.


As a result, more and more workers in big cities are harassed by it, with a percentage of 75 in Beijing, 72 in Shanghai and 70 in Guangzhou respectively.


" said the harassed householder to the salesman ",!

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