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The man was not wholly evil; he loved flowers (I have been told) and sweet music (he was himself no mean performer on the harpsichord); and, let it be frankly admitted, the idyllic nature of the scene stirred him profoundly.


Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision.

Relish the Moment 品味现在

Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision.

《龙猫》今日国内上映 中国版海报“暗藏玄机”

My Neighbour Totoro is also often celebrated for its "innocence" - there are no villains or fight scenes - and its hand-drawn scenes of idyllic country fields, placing a strong emphasis on cultivating an appreciation for nature.

乔布斯传 第10期:童年,被遗弃和被选择(6)

We like to think everything was idyllic in the 1950s, but this guy was one of those engineers who had messed-up lives.


Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision.


They were also served steamed veggies for dinner, fresh fruit for dessert and had access to an impressive vitamin juice station, where healthy shots from a range of different vegetables were set out - all while looking out over idyllic Thai views.


Relish the moment Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision.


/—— Many people consider living "the dream" to involve working remotely from any number of idyllic locations — a hammock on a scenic beach, a boutique coffee shop in a hip neighborhood downtown or even from bed, wearing pyjamas and sipping a cup of home-brewed tea.


Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision.


/—— Many people consider living "the dream" to involve working remotely from any number of idyllic locations — a hammock on a scenic beach, a boutique coffee shop in a hip neighborhood downtown or even from bed, wearing pyjamas and sipping a cup of home-brewed tea.


The Guardian's phones rang all day as readers soughtmore information about the idyllic holiday spot.


I stayed in a beautiful hotel right on the beach in California -- an idyllic spot, you would think.


As the morning drifted by, we drove through idyllic valleys where plum-coloured birds perched on telephone wires and every house was surrounded with roses, geraniums and marigolds.


Its turquoise waters and swaying palm trees make for an idyllic beach retreat.


Seen on the balcony, a mass of flourishing foliage came to my eyes, and the tall hedges and the narrow footpath seemed to dispose me in the idyllic life depicted by the famous poet Tao Yuanming.


Relish Moment Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision.


Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision.

Windows XP经典桌面的故事

The idyllic and iconic image that served as the default background for computers running Microsoft's Windows XP operating system wasn't Photoshopped.

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