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烟草该禁止吗 Should Tabacco be Banned

I support this idea, because the second-hand smoke also brings great danger to the innocent people and the person who smokes don't care about it.


The problem was, it was all me, my wife didn't do anything to upset me and she's genuinely innocent.

Be Happy About Helping Others 助人为乐

But nowadays, the news has reported that many bad guys make use of the innocent children's kindness and commit a crime.

Be Helpful to Others 乐于助人

But in today's society, some bad people make use of the innocent children and do the criminal things, so we need to be careful.


The problem was, it was all me, my wife didn't do anything to upset me and she's genuinely innocent.


Time endows me with matureness, I witness so many things, I am not innocent any more, I am a better person.


As long as we aren't hurting others or breaking the law, these innocent lies can make life more pleasant.

网吧 The Internet Bar

Second, as the teenagers are so innocent, they may be seduced by some bad people in the Internet bar, the teenagers may be adducted to other places and never come home again.

英文情书大全:A Love I Will Never Forget刻骨铭心的爱

But, you know that neither of us were innocent when it came to hurting each other.


Teenagers are the main victims of the love affair online, because they are so young and innocent, teenagers should take care with it.


" And that day I thought a lot about making some changes in my life; As I listened to her innocent words that cut me like a knife.

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