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His soul palpitating with love of art, he painted the models who hung about the stairway of Bernini in the Piazza de Spagna, undaunted by their obvious picturesqueness; and his studio was full of canvases on which were portrayed moustachioed, large-eyed peasants in peaked hats, urchins in becoming rags, and women in bright petticoats.


The windows, to which she looked with peculiar dependence, from having heard the general talk of his preserving them in their Gothic form with reverential care, were yet less what her fancy had portrayed.


In the blue corner: a radioactive lizard that was first portrayed by a man in a rubber suit in 1954, and has recently stomped its way through a pair of Hollywood creature features, 2014's Godzilla and 2019's Godzilla: King of the Monsters.


Following their adventures in Bangkok and New York in the first two movies, the amateur detective duo portrayed by Wang Baoqiang and Liu Haoran travels to Tokyo as they try to solve a murder mystery, which could earn them a huge bonus.


He was portrayed in this role in the great 14th-century historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and since then he has been one of the most popular figures of Chinese legend and folklore, with various evil magic powers ascribed to him.


Head bowed, like a willing ox I serve the children" portrayed his cultural personality vividly.


In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the great 14th-century historical novel, Zhuge is one of the main characters; he is portrayed as being able to control the wind and foretell the future.


With concise and simple Beijing dialect, Lao She narrated the scenes full of local color and portrayed all his characters with distinct individual personalities.


· Kate Winslethas portrayed quite a few beautiful women, but it was the role of an illiterate German woman that was convicted for the death of hundreds of people in The Reader.


But mum had asked for our OK to post the photo, so while it was far from pleasant, we were able to withstand the abuse because we both felt confident in the way we were portrayed.


The most famous is Prozac, AKA fluoxetine, once portrayed as a wonder drug that would make the world rosy and shiny again for all of us, without the dangerous dark side of Valium and the rest of the benzodiazepines.


German researchers said older people tend to be portrayed negatively in society.


At the beginning of my work in this company, I portrayed a rosy future for myself that I should get promoted with a higher salary within a year and become a senior white-collar officer within two years.


At the beginning of my work in this company, I portrayed a rosy future for myself that I should get promoted with a higher salary within a year and become a senior white-collar officer within two years.


He couldn't stand the president of his neighborhood HOA - and anytime he saw a horror film or a Halloween witch portrayed on television, he would refer to it as "a documentary about our HOA president.

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president Richard Nixon, who is too often portrayed as little more than a crook and a warmonger.


" "While I would have loved the opportunity to bring Dante's story and transition to life, I understand why many feel he should be portrayed by a transgender person, and I am thankful that this casting debate, albeit controversial, has sparked a larger conversation about diversity and representation in film.

乔布斯传 第126期:过程就是奖励(2)

Jobs repeatedly portrayed his band of engineers as the cool kids on the block, , in contrast to the plodding HP engineer types working on the Lisa.


In and out of the Oasis, Art3mis (also known as Samantha, and portrayed by Olivia Cooke) is a male fantasy of female badassery.

乔布斯传 第36期:弗里德兰(3)

"Robert always portrayed himself as a spiritual person, but he crossed the line from being charismatic to being a con man," Jobs said.

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