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The 10-episode series has been created by novelist Patrick Somerville whose TV credits include episodes for HBO's seminal drama The Leftovers, which starred Theroux in the lead role alongside Ann Dowd and Carrie Coon.


has come a long way since President Nixon's seminal 1972 visit, but there is still a long road ahead.

万物简史 第25期:走进太阳系(3)

That seminal event in astronomy was largely to the credit of the astronomer Percival Lowell.

乔布斯传 第51期:热浪滚滚的时代(2)

He joined with his fellow subject Ken Kesey to produce the acid-celebrating Trips Festival, ·"", appeared in the opening scene of Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, ·《》, and worked with Doug Engelbart to create a seminal sound-and-light presentation of new technologies called the Mother of All Demos.


More than 30 years ago, a seminal study claimed left-handedness to be a predictor of mathematical precociousness.


She did a seminal study on conflict resolution among the native Zapotec people of Mexico in Oaxaca, and discovered that when ongoing relationships exist, conflict resolution improves with face-saving, and relationship-saving solutions.


Paul La Farge, The Night Ocean ・・《》 The bizarre and the scandalous float through this novel, an alternate history that speculates about the connection between seminal American horror writer HP Lovecraft and a gay fan named Robert Barlow.


"In our opinion, this (referendum) outcome is a seminal event, and will lead to a less predictable, stable, and effective policy framework in the UK," SP said in a statement.


And the researchers discovered alterations in the proteins in smokers' seminal plasma that might impair fertilization.


Its most famous sci-fi recruit is Neal Stephenson, who depicted the virtual world of the Metaverse in his seminal 1992 novel "Snow Crash.


Thirty years ago, Zhang brought the character of the Monkey King to life in the seminal TV series "Journey to the West".


Later studies by Carol Dweck and Anders Ericsson on "deliberate practice" research successes in numerous fields based on the results of this seminal research.


A seminal 1989 study on homework by Harris Cooper, a social psychologist who researches education, found that doing homework led students to perform better in school as they grew older.


Indeed, it is being compared to Rachel Carson's seminal work 'Silent Spring,' widely regarded as educating a generation of Americans in the 1960s about the importance of protecting the natural environment.

梅丽尔成提名影后 2015奥斯卡趣闻

The seminal 1993 film went on to produce three Oscar winners (Ben Affleck, McConaughey, and Renee Zellweger).


It's remembered as a seminal event that carried the Chinese revolution into a new stage.


Calhoun's seminal overpopulation research, published in Scientific American in the 1960s, which found that as rats were increasingly crowded together they became ever more aggressive and exhibited "behavior disturbances" from "frenetic overactivity" to "pathological withdrawal.

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