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Farebrother—his effort after the cynical pretence that all ways of getting money are essentially the same, and that chance has an empire which reduces choice to a fool's illusion—was but the symptom of a wavering resolve, a benumbed response to the old stimuli of enthusiasm.


(The "stimuli" were photographs of forward-facing faces from a research database.


Perhaps it's the fact that you are constantly bombarded by new stimuli and inputs as you move about, which helps derail linear thinking and encourages a more associative, unfocused thought process.


" In a new study, Boisgontier and his team tried to find out just how deeply rooted laziness is in our brains, by measuring our cognitive responses to different stimuli representing physical activity and sedentary behaviour.


4D 4D printing is conventional 3D printing combined with the additional element of time as the fourth dimension, where the printed objects can re-shape or self-assemble themselves over time with external stimuli, such as mechanical force, temperature, or a magnetic field.


The first is one the considerable lowering of your skin's temperature, which being one of the "most profound stimuli the body can encounter" is a potentially a big strain on your body's resources.


Perhaps it's the fact that you are constantly bombarded by new stimuli and inputs as you move about, which helps derail linear thinking and encourages a more associative, unfocused thought process.


A stimuli that most of us grow up with and the effects of which culminate over time.


Being efficient, the programmers simply re-used some code originally used to model infantry detachment reactions under the same stimuli, changed the mapped icon from a soldier to a kangaroo, and increased the figures' speed of movement.


" "Well, it means that instead of having a completely instinctive reaction where they always make the same call in response to the same stimuli -- a reflex, basically -- that the whales are capable of changing what they're calling and how they're communicating.


For those in the experimental group, they were shown pictures of their spouse alongside positive stimuli, such as a puppy that makes you happy, or the word "wonderful".


" If this technique seems too insanely dangerous (and it does), a much safer option is to shut out all sensory stimuli from the surrounding environment.


The fact that subjects could be insensible to music while still responsive to another stimulus like money suggests different pathways to reward for different stimuli.


If you're traveling across several time zones, like from New York to Moscow, and you want to start feeling normal sooner, "you really want to experience that external stimuli appropriate to your new time zone as quickly as possible," said Dr.


Dr Dalton told The Sunday Times: 'If we are focusing strongly on a visual task, this will reduce our awareness of stimuli in other senses.


Now many experts believe that the digital era of endless stimuli has made things worse.


The information is ubiquitous: our attitudes color how we see the world, how we respond to stimuli, and can even affect our health.


Brain scans carried out while the women viewed a variety of images showed that the women were 'significantly more responsive to romantic stimuli after a meal than prior to it', the researchers from Drexel University in Philadelphia, and the University of Pennsylvania said.


They measure the latter by asking people to monitor visual stimuli for occasional, subtle changes.

Love really Is Blind

Semir Zeki, a professor of neuroesthetics at the University College in London has studied how the brain reacts to emotional stimuli, including romantic love.

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