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Farebrother had had a beak and talons instead of his very capable tongue, his mode of attack could hardly be more cruel.


" Lydgate was bowing his neck under the yoke like a creature who had talons, but who had Reason too, which often reduces us to meekness.


Casaubon had been a dragon who had carried her off to his lair with his talons simply and without legal forms, it would have been an unavoidable feat of heroism to release her and fall at her feet.


When the smoke began to draw he gave a long, deep sigh, and the bristles of his gray-red moustache curled down over the cigar like the talons of an eagle.


The strength in his wings, the power in his talons , the amazing capacity of his vision, the effortless capacity to soar, it is the osprey, not the field mouse that models our human potential.


Hawks sharpening their talons.

一千零一夜:Second Voyage

The rhinoceros fights with the elephant, and transfixing him with his horn carries him off upon his head, but becoming blinded with the blood of his enemy, he falls helpless to the ground, and then comes the roc, and clutches them both up in his talons and takes them to feed his young.

伊索寓言:The Eagle and the Jackdaw

An Eagle, flying down from his eyrie on a lofty rock, seized upon a lamb, and carried him aloft in his talons.

伊索寓言:The Tortoise and the Eagle

" "I will teach you to fly then," said the Eagle; and taking her up in his talons, he carried her almost to the clouds,—when suddenly letting her go, she fell on a lofty mountain, and dashed her shell to pieces.

伊索寓言:The Eagle and the Kite

" "Well, I have often caught and carried away an ostrich in my talons.

伊索寓言:The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle

An Eagle sailing through the air pounced upon him, and carried him off in his talons.

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