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迷人四月天:Chapter 1

Wilkins, a solicitor, encouraged thrift, except that branch of it which got into his food.


Recycle clothes by donating them to your local thrift shops or charity organizations.


If Enterprise is afoot, wealth accumulates whatever may be happening to Thrift; and if Enterprise is asleep, wealth decays, whatever Thrift may be doing.


People love thrift stores .


Call me crazy, but I love shopping at thrift stores.


I believe that thrift is essential to well-ordered living and that economy is a prime requisite of a sound financial structure, whether in government, business or personal affairs.


While technically not a style item that can be retired to the thrift store, reader Judy Gregg mentioned pigtails, reminding us that what looks adorable on little girls playing soccer gets all Willie Nelson for us on older men.


You are both homebodies who appreciate good food, good quality and thrift.


Many college students spend money like water and have no concept of thrift in their mind.


, was a stay-at-home mom to her two daughters, Sarah, ten, and Elizabeth, 12, she taught Sunday school, helped run a thrift shop and chaired just about any committee she was invited to take on.


( C) If Enterprise is afoot, wealth accumulates whatever may be happening to Thrift; and if Enterprise is asleep, wealth decays, whatever Thrift may be doing.


Discover the joy of thrift shops.

英语名人名言: Society 社会

Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626), The Advancement of Learning, 1605 We must beware of trying to build a society in which nobody counts for anything except a politician or an official, a society where enterprise gains no reward and thrift no privileges.

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