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It was one of these mysterious fairy calls from out the void that suddenly reached Mole in the darkness, making him tingle through and through with its very familiar appeal, even while yet he could not clearly remember what it was.


A fine powder filled the air and caressed the cheek with a tingle in its touch, and the black boles of the trees showed up in a light that seemed to come from below.


His careless manner had gone at last, his eyes were sparkling, and a tingle went through them every time they touched his body.


This morning, at six o'clock, while I was getting breakfast, my tail suddenly began to tingle.

6个肢体语言 时刻暴露着你的秘密(双语)

There's also an increase in blood pressure, causing your nose to tingle, and you, in turn, to start rubbing your nose to "just itch" it.


There's also an increase in blood pressure, causing your nose to tingle, and you, in turn, to start rubbing your nose to "just itch" it.


Don't just fanny about around the sides as you've got to get right in there to feel the tingle.


Don't just fanny about around the sides as you've got to get right in there to feel the tingle.


As she proceeded to walk down the corridor, the air, which rose with the musical tingle of Spanish coloring everything that touched it, greeted her.

安徒生童话英文版:The Marsh King’s Daughter

To her foster-father she said one day, "If thine enemy were to pull down thine house about thy ears, and thou shouldest be sleeping in unconscious security, I would not wake thee; even if I had the power I would never do it, for my ears still tingle with the blow that thou gavest me years ago.

安徒生童话英文版:The Shadow

There were people walking, carriages driving, and mules trotting along, with their bells on the harness, "tingle, tingle," as they went.


What makes her blood boil and her body tingle.

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