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Phyllis took the long pins out of her hat, while Roberta took off her gloves, and Peter unfastened her walking-shoes and fetched her soft velvety slippers for her.


Geraldine was a queenly blonde with hair like spun gold and velvety purple eyes.


Great, crimson, velvety blossoms.


A few stars were out and the robins were calling through the velvety silences of the barrens.


ITALY: Spaghetti alla carbonara : Originally from the region of Lazio (which is around Rome), this decadent spaghetti is a creamy mix of crispy bacon, velvety olive oil, fatty egg yolk, and nutty Parmesan cheese.


That includes nine "unstoppable, one-stroke-application, full matte liquid lipsticks," and eight "velvety, highly pigmented, and very comfortable matte lipsticks" ,Zara"".


The grandma's feet were lovely as pink pearls and dressed in velvety high heels that made her walk with a wobble,but she wore them anyway because they were pretty.


The girl finds him shaking in the garden and tries to comfort him, explaining "how gentle and sweet the darkness is, how kind and friendly, how soft and velvety!


Another favorite is Mexican bush sage, Salvia leucantha, which some people call a bicolor because its white flowers are hugged by velvety light purple calyxes.

狗的自述 A Dog's Tale(3)

It was the dearest little waddling thing, and so smooth and soft and velvety, and had such cunning little awkward paws, and such affectionate eyes, and such a sweet and innocent face; and it made me so proud to see how the children and their mother adored it, and fondled it, and exclaimed over every little wonderful thing it did.


What you hear when you open your mouth is distinctly less velvety than what everyone around hears—and it's your skull that's to blame.

A Woman and a Fork

'' It was my favorite part because I knew that something better was cominglike velvety chocolate cake or deep-dish apple pie.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-IV

Beneath him lay the meadows, covered with velvety green, with the murmuring river flowing through them, and dotted here and there were small wooden houses.

安徒生童话英文版:The Philosopher’s Stone

Palms, beech-trees, pines, plane-trees, and various other kinds, which are found in all parts of the world, were here like small branches, shooting forth from the great tree; while the larger boughs, with their knots and curves, formed valleys and hills, clothed with velvety green and covered with flowers.

安徒生童话英文版:The Bell-Deep

In the Au grow the yellow water-lilies and brown feathery reeds; the dark velvety flag grows there, high and thick; old and decayed willows, slanting and tottering, hang far out over the stream beside the monk's meadow and by the bleaching ground; but opposite there are gardens upon gardens, each different from the rest, some with pretty flowers and bowers like little dolls' pleasure grounds, often displaying cabbage and other kitchen plants; and here and there the gardens cannot be seen at all,

安徒生童话英文版:The Story of the Year

Merrily rippled the clear brooks and rivulets between the green, velvety rushes, and over the many-colored pebbles beneath.

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