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美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 6》

Mordaunt walked under the great trees, he remembered that this questionable little boy had arrived at the Castle only the evening before, and that there were nine chances to one that his lordship's worst fears were realized, and twenty-two chances to one that if the poor little fellow had disappointed him, the Earl was even now in a tearing rage, and ready to vent all his rancor on the first person who called—which it appeared probable would be his reverend self.


The words that were marked by the quiet hand in the little old book that she had long ago learned by heart, rushed even to her lips, and found a vent for themselves in a low murmur that was quite lost in the loud driving of the rain against the window and the loud moan and roar of the wind.


" But her eyes filled fast with tears as she said it, and all the pent-up excitement of her humiliating walk would have its vent before she could say more.


She set down her candle on the first table that presented itself, and began to walk up and down her room, which was a large one, with a firm, regular, and rather rapid step, which showed that the exercise was the instinctive vent of strong excitement.


All the obstinacy and defiance of his nature, driven out of their old channel, found a vent for themselves in the immediate formation of plans by which he would meet his difficulties, and remain Mr Tulliver of Dorlcote Mill in spite of them.


He turned his horse, and rode slowly back, giving vent to the climax of feeling which had determined this movement by saying aloud, as he struck his horse, "Poor little wench!


He found another vent for his rage by snatching up Rosamond's words again, as if they were reptiles to be throttled and flung off.


The broken metaphor and bad logic of motive which had stirred his hearer's contempt were quite consistent with a mode of putting the facts which made it difficult for Lydgate to vent his own indignation and disappointment.


Lydgate was wretched—shaken with anger and yet feeling that it would be unmanly to vent the anger just now.


That unique happiness too was dead, and in its shadowed silent chamber she might vent the passionate grief which she herself wondered at.


Vincy's terror at these indications of danger found vent in such words as came most easily.


He seldom smoked, for Marilla set her face against it as a filthy habit; but at certain times and seasons he felt driven to it and them Marilla winked at the practice, realizing that a mere man must have some vent for his emotions.


He easily guessed his way to the truth—the girl had simply made a convenience of him to vent her spite upon Tom Sawyer.


He signed to them not to give vent to any cry of admiration that might rouse suspicion.


Not a sound is to be heard, save when they give vent to a wonderful imitation of the lonely call of the coyote.


Stop Complaining We all have problems, and sometimes we need to vent to someone.


That being said, sometimes people just need to vent.


You'll be tempted to use your regular time together as the time for you to angrily vent and argue.


Employee got his toe caught in a vent cover.

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