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添加时间:2021-04-06 15:35:29 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • 1.Bird

    (1) Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕;一举两得。

    (2) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。

    (3) Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。

    (4) It’s an ill bird that fouls1 own nest. 家丑不可外扬。

    (5) Fine feathers make fine birds. 人要衣装,马要鞍。

    (6) A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 听音识鸟,闻言识人。

    (7) Each bird loves to hear himself sing. 鸟儿都爱听自己唱。(自我欣赏)(8) You cannot catch old birds with chaff2。(粗糠). 用粗糠捉不住老鸟。(有经验的人难骗。)(9) Birds in their little nests agree. 同巢之鸟心儿齐。

    2. Cat

    (1) A cat has nine lives。猫有九条命;吉人天相。

    (2) Cats hide their claws. 知人知面不知心。

    (3) All cats are grey in the dark. 黑暗之中猫都是灰色的。(人未出名时看起来都差不多。)(4) A gloved cat catches no mice. 戴手套的猫,老鼠抓不到。(不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业。)(5) When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage3. 黄鼠狼和猫结亲,不是好事情。)(6) Who will bwll the cat? 谁去给猫系铃?(谁愿意为大家冒风险?)(7) The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream. 帽偷吃奶油的时候总是闭着眼睛。(掩耳盗铃)(8) There are more ways of killing4 a cat than by choking it with butter. 杀猫的办法很多。(达到目的的途径很多。)(9) Care kill a cat. 忧虑愁死猫。

    3. Chicken

    (1) Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. 鸡蛋未孵出,先别数小鸡。(不要过早乐观。)4. Crow

    (1) A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often. 江山易改,本性难移。

    5. Dog

    (1) He who would hang his dog gives out first that it is mad. 欲加之罪,何患无词。

    (2) A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with. 欲加之罪,何患无词。

    (3) Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。

    (4) Too much pudding will choke a dog. 布丁太多噎死狗。

    (5) Every dog has his day. 人人皆有得意时。

    (6) Barking dogs don’t (seldom) bite. 爱叫的狗很少咬人。

    (7) Let sleeping dogs lie. 勿惹事生非。

    (8) Dead dogs bite not. 死狗不咬人。

    (9) All are not thieves that dogs bark at. 狗见了叫的不一定都是贼。(不要以貌取人。)(10) Every dog is a lion at home. 狗在家门口就成了狮子。

    (11) Don’t be a dog (lying) in the manger. 莫学狗占马槽不吃草。(不要占着茅坑不拉屎。)(12) Dog does not eat dog. 同类不相残。

    (13) Scornful dogs will eat dirty puddings. 狗再傲慢也会吃脏布丁。

    (14) A son never thinks his mother ugly,and a dog never shuns5 its owner’s home however shabby it is。儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫。

    6. Frog

    (1) The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean. 井底之蛙,不知大海。

    7. Fox

    (1) The fox may grow grey, but never good. 狐狸毛色可变灰,但是本性难移。

    (2) The fox preys6 farthest from his hole. 狐狸捕食,远离洞府。(兔子不吃窝边草。)(3) When the fox preaches, then take care of your geese. 每当狐狸说教,当心鹅群被盗。

    (4) When the fox says he is a vegetarian7, it’s time for the hen to look out. 狐狸说它吃素的时候,母鸡就得注意。

     10级    双语 
     单词标签: fouls  chaff  presage  killing  shuns  preys  vegetarian 


    1 fouls [faʊlz] 30fac9075e8722a717059ab4a5ae092f   第7级
    n.煤层尖灭;恶劣的( foul的名词复数 );邪恶的;难闻的;下流的v.使污秽( foul的第三人称单数 );弄脏;击球出界;(通常用废物)弄脏
    • The player was sent off the field because of fouls. 这名运动员因屡屡犯规而被罚下场。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    • Jones was ordered off in the second half after repeated fouls. 由于屡次犯规,琼斯在下半场中被责令退出比赛。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    2 chaff [tʃɑ:f] HUGy5   第11级
    • I didn't mind their chaff. 我不在乎他们的玩笑。
    • Old birds are not caught with chaff. 谷糠难诱老雀。
    3 presage [ˈpresɪdʒ] t1qz0   第10级
    • The change could presage serious problems. 这变化可能预示着有严重问题将要发生。
    • The lowering clouds presage a storm. 暗云低沉是暴风雨的前兆。
    4 killing [ˈkɪlɪŋ] kpBziQ   第9级
    • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off. 投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
    • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street. 上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
    5 shuns [ʃʌnz] dd5f935c6b9e32031559aab3ee2f3755   第8级
    v.避开,回避,避免( shun的第三人称单数 )
    • We must not reproach her, or she shuns us. 我们可不要责备她,否则她要躲避我们。 来自辞典例句
    • Any of them shuns, impedes, or attempts at inspection. 一规避、妨碍或拒绝检查。 来自互联网
    6 preys [preiz] 008ad2ad9007c4d7b3ecfb54442db8fd   第7级
    v.掠食( prey的第三人称单数 );掠食;折磨;(人)靠欺诈为生
    • His misfortune preys upon his mind. 他的不幸使她心中苦恼。 来自辞典例句
    • The owl preys on mice. 猫头鹰捕食老鼠。 来自辞典例句
    7 vegetarian [ˌvedʒəˈteəriən] 7KGzY   第7级
    • She got used gradually to the vegetarian diet. 她逐渐习惯吃素食。
    • I didn't realize you were a vegetarian. 我不知道你是个素食者。

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