Jerry Muskrat swam back and forth, making little silver lines on the surface of the Smiling Pool and squeaking contentedly, for it was the hour which he loves best.
Back and forth across the old pasture and way up among the rocks on the edge of the mountain Granny Fox led Bowser the Hound.
Too Late Reddy Fox Hears Drummer the Woodpecker was pounding out his danger signal so fast and so hard that his red head flew back and forth almost too fast to see.
Granny Shows Reddy a Trick Every day Granny Fox led Reddy Fox over to the long railroad bridge and made him run back and forth across it until he had no fear of it whatever.
Granny Shows Reddy a Trick Every day Granny Fox led Reddy Fox over to the long railroad bridge and made him run back and forth across it until he had no fear of it whatever.
So back and forth from the ground to the old nest in the tree Whitefoot hurried, and presently there was quite a pile of weed stalks and soft grass and strips of bark in the old nest.
Back and forth, back and forth, this way, that way and the other way, just a little distance off, Shadow was running with his nose to the snow.
He was running this way and that way, back and forth, with his nose to the snow.
As he passed Anna she sprang forth.
She pulled it forth and scanned it.
Sutton seemed to communicate itself to the three young people, who might otherwise have gone forth into the village in search of adventures.
' Thence a special train carried them, in seething compartments, excited and strident, to Sneyd, where there had been two sharp showers in the morning, the procession was reformed along a country road, and the vacillating sky threatened more rain; but because the sun had shone dazzlingly at eleven o'clock all the women and girls, too easily tempted by the glory of the moment, blossomed forth in pale blouses and parasols.
She left the bed, and drawing up the blind looked forth.
Now it gushed forth warm, impetuous, and full, opening out new and delicious vistas.
Imagination was roused from her rest, and she came forth impetuous and venturous.
Instantly she flew barking at the panes, as if to urge me forth to share her pleasure or her master's toil; she had seen me occasionally walking in that alley with M.
Emanuel stood a little apart from these; his countenance and eyes expressed strong choler; he held forth his hand with his tribune gesture.
Being disengaged, and placing myself at her service, I was presently furnished with a list of the wools, silks, embroidering thread, etcetera, wanted in the pupils' work, and having equipped myself in a manner suiting the threatening aspect of a cloudy and sultry day, I was just drawing the spring-bolt of the street-door, in act to issue forth, when Madame's voice again summoned me to the salle-à-manger.
le Professeur Emanuel, who was to head our march forth from Villette, for it was on this day he proposed to fulfil his promise of taking us to breakfast in the country.
At last there issued forth a voice, rather deep, as if it spoke out of a hollow:— "Est-ce là tout?