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Then he spoke again, and this time he shouted: "Hello, Mr.


"I didn't think of that when I spoke.

英语原版故事:红狐狸历险记 (19)

" It was Jimmy Skunk who spoke.

英语原版故事:红狐狸历险记 (17)

He didn't like the tone of voice in which Farmer Brown's boy spoke.

英语原版故事:红狐狸历险记 (12)

When Reddy spoke, she remembered it, and the thought of having to go way back after it didn't improve her temper a bit.


" Lightfoot spoke as if he really meant every word he said, but still Peter couldn't, he just COULDN'T believe that those wonderful great antlers had grown out of Lightfoot's head in a single summer.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 11》

And she felt, in another way, that he was equal with her, as she thought of his sturdy and simple confession, and of the loyal love in his voice when he spoke of his father.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 9》

Mynors advanced into the crowd and spoke to Mr.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 5》

Banks descended from the pulpit and opening the wicket which led to the Communion table spoke to these over the rails, reassuringly, as a nurse to a child.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 4》

He spoke of the children, saying that in connection with these they, the teachers, had at once the highest privilege and the most sacred responsibility.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 3》

Tellwright seldom spoke, and his example imposed silence on the girls, who felt as nuns feel when assisting at some grave but monotonous and perfunctory rite.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 2》

About this time Anna began to perceive that her father was generally regarded as a man of great wealth, having few rivals in the entire region of the Five Towns, Definite knowledge, however, she had none: he never spoke of his affairs; she knew only that he possessed houses and other property in various places, that he always turned first to the money article in the newspaper, and that long envelopes arrived for him by post almost daily.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 1》

' 'I can't say why father doesn't preach now:' Anna flushed as she spoke.


I make it seventeen days come Friday since anybody spoke to me.


They had boasted their strength loudly when they reclaimed me from love and its bondage, but upon my demanding deeds, not words, some evidence of better comfort, some experience of a relieved life—Freedom excused himself, as for the present impoverished and disabled to assist; and Renovation never spoke; he had died in the night suddenly.


" I heard her mutter more than once; and at last, as if determined to have an answer to her question—which hitherto none seemed to mind, she spoke aloud this phrase—a phrase brief enough, simple enough, but it sent a shock through me—"Messieurs et mesdames," said she, "où donc est Justine Marie?


You spoke me fair; and, meantime, I will not say you robbed me, but I am bereaved, and what I have lost, you, it seems, have won.

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