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Jack and Jill, with the three elder boys, were in a little group, and as Merry spoke, Gus said to Frank,— "Did you plant yours?


While the ladies worked or walked together, they naturally spoke oftenest and most earnestly about their children, and each contributed her experience.


" "That's all right, I'm glad you do," answered Jack, comfortably, though his mind seemed a little absent and his eyes twinkled when she spoke of Molly.


When you were little, you were afraid of the dark, but if I spoke or touched you, then you were sure all was well, and fell asleep holding my hand.


" Mamma spoke warmly, for she heartily believed in young people's guarding against this dangerous vice before it became a temptation, and hoped her boys would never break the pledge they had taken; for, young as they were, they were old enough to see its worth, feel its wisdom, and pride themselves on the promise which was fast growing into a principle.


" As she spoke, Merry cut the stem, and, adding two or three of the great green leaves, put the handsome flower in his hand with so much good-will that he felt as if he had received a very precious gift.


" Jill spoke softly lest she should disturb the others, and, as she turned to push up her pillow, she saw Mrs.


Minot left the room as she spoke, and Frank cooled down as if her words had been a shower-bath, for he remembered his own costly escapade, and how kindly both his mother and Jack had stood by him on that trying occasion.


As she spoke of the shawl her eye went in search of it, and something that she saw in the other room put her own disappointment out of her head.


Order was with difficulty restored, the mischievous party summarily chastised and commanded to hold his tongue, under penalty of ejectment from the room if he spoke again.


No one spoke for a moment, and the silence was becoming awkward when Gus appeared in a rubber suit, bringing a book to Jack from Laura and a note to Jill from Lotty.


" While she spoke, Mrs.


The doctor spoke cheerfully, but looked sober, and Mrs.


Whiting spoke cheerfully of the case, and made so light of broken legs, that Jack innocently asked if he should not be up in a week or so.


" Jill took her seat as she spoke, and looked up with such a rosy, pleading face that Jack gave in at once, and down they went again, raising a cloud of glittering snow-dust as they reined up in fine style with their feet on the fence.

美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 15》

—and he spoke as loudly as he could, his childish voice ringing out quite clear and strong.

美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 13》

" The pictures he spoke of were on the front page, and Dick was staring at one of them with his eyes and mouth open, and his sharp face almost pale with excitement.

美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 12》

" he said—and, if you'll believe it, his very voice was queer, almost shaky and a little broken and hoarse, not at all what you would expect an Earl's voice to be, though he spoke more decidedly and peremptorily even than before,—"Yes, you'll be my boy as long as I live; and, by George, sometimes I feel as if you were the only boy I had ever had.

美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 10》

" He never spoke to any one else of his feeling for Cedric; when he spoke of him to others it was always with the same grim smile.

美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 8》

After a few minutes, Fauntleroy spoke to his grandfather—watching him from the window: "Can't I go by myself?

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