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Conduction of Electricity: When lightning strikes, the current travels down the tree trunk to the ground, posing a risk to anyone standing nearby.


She had to turn the windmill to pump water for Farmer Brown's cows, and this was only one of many mills standing idle as they waited for her.

英语原版故事:红狐狸历险记 (23)

There was Farmer Brown's boy standing right in front of the door of her home.

英语原版故事:红狐狸历险记 (13)

Then she jumped out in front of Jimmy Skunk, her eyes snapping, her teeth showing, and the hair on her back standing on end so as to make her look very fierce.

英语原版故事: 白脚鼠的故事(6)

Finally Whitefoot ran along the old bench and jumped from the end of it for a box standing on end, which Farmer Brown's boy sometimes used to sit on.


A second later he had found solid footing and was standing with the water only up to his knees.


What he didn't know was that Lightfoot had been watching him all the time and was even then standing where he could see him.


So, standing motionless behind a tangle of fallen trees, Lightfoot listened and watched.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 14》

CHAPTER XIV END OF A SIMPLE SOUL The next morning, at half-past seven, Anna was standing in the garden-doorway of the Priory.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 11》

When he came back to the parlour to extinguish the gas she was standing by the mantelpiece.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 9》

She was standing by herself, watching Agnes at play with some other girls.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 5》

' When she went upstairs to dress, she saw the Suttons' landau standing outside their house on the opposite side of the road.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 4》

He was standing up, the ends of his fingers pressed against the top of the table.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 3》

A man in shirt-sleeves was standing on the weighing platform under the archway; his back was towards her, but she could see the smoke issuing in puffs from his pipe.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 2》

Exactly opposite was an antique red mansion, standing back in its own ground—home of the Mynors family for two generations, but now a school, the Mynors family being extinct in the district save for one member.


CHAPTER IX IN WHICH Eeyore Finds the Wolery and Owl Moves Into It Pooh had wandered into the Hundred Acre Wood, and was standing in front of what had once been Owl's House.


Look, Pooh, it's still standing!


With a shout they rushed off the bridge, and pushed and pulled at him; and soon he was standing among them again on dry land.


" And at the word "easy" the branch he was standing on broke suddenly, and he just managed to clutch at the one above him as he felt himself going .


" But Kanga and Christopher Robin and Piglet were all standing round Roo, watching him have his Extract of Malt.

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