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美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 10》

Fauntleroy noted the look and wondered at it.


The door did, in fact, soon open, but instead of the tea-tray, Sally introduced an object so startling that both Mrs Pullet and Mrs Tulliver gave a scream, causing uncle Pullet to swallow his lozenge—for the fifth time in his life, as he afterward noted.


Mr Trumbull was a robust man, a good subject for trying the expectant theory upon—watching the course of an interesting disease when left as much as possible to itself, so that the stages might be noted for future guidance; and from the air with which he described his sensations Lydgate surmised that he would like to be taken into his medical man's confidence, and be represented as a partner in his own cure.


Now that she was alone in her drive, she heard the notes of the man's voice and the accompanying piano, which she had not noted much at the time, returning on her inward sense; and she found herself thinking with some wonder that Will Ladislaw was passing his time with Mrs.


Lemon's school (close to a county town with a memorable history that had its relics in church and castle) was one of those excellent musicians here and there to be found in our provinces, worthy to compare with many a noted Kapellmeister in a country which offers more plentiful conditions of musical celebrity.


This was the Reverend Edward Casaubon, noted in the county as a man of profound learning, understood for many years to be engaged on a great work concerning religious history; also as a man of wealth enough to give lustre to his piety, and having views of his own which were to be more clearly ascertained on the publication of his book.


How are the civilities and compliments of every day to be related as they ought to be, unless noted down every evening in a journal?


" Thursday the girls had a drive in the park, and in the evening Miss Barry took them to a concert in the Academy of Music, where a noted prima donna was to sing.


Marilla from afar had noted him prowling along it and guessed his motive.


"Never heard of any of them being noted beauties.


Second Cousin Sarah Taylor, with her great, pale, expressionless eyes, who was noted for the variety of her pickle recipes and for nothing else.


They looked around them and noted the holes in the seven trees.


The researchers noted that drinking had an effect on the brain's gray matter -- regions in the brain that make up "important bits where information is processed," according to lead author Anya Topiwala, a senior clinical researcher at Oxford.


Question: Jot down questions that address the chapter titles and boldface (or italicized) words you've noted.


I'm pretty sure we've been told since kindergarten, "Think before you speak" but I noted how often I neglect this simplest piece of advice.


The struggles that children experienced – inner conflict and inability to play baseball games – made audiences feel [heartbreak]," noted SWEEKLY magazine.


Nearly 86 percent of the respondents in the survey by China Youth Daily noted that people should be more prudent about job-hopping at the turn of the year, a perspective that received the most support from people born in the 1980s and 1990s and those with an annual income between 100,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan.


8 million km away from the Earth, it noted.


The report noted the downturn is hitting hardest in countries where the coronavirus epidemic has been the most severe and where there is heavy reliance on global trade, tourism, commodity exports and external financing.


He noted that precaution measures will include robust testing, additional cleaning, extra locker room space, and dedicated housing and transportation.

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