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世界上最冷的地方-2 比赛
添加时间:2014-01-28 15:22:15 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • The Fram went to an island in the south of Norway.It was a very little island,with only one small wooden house,two trees—and nearly a hundred dogs.

    'Look at that!'Bjaaland said.'It's an island of dogs!There are dogs in the water,near the trees,on the house—dogs everywhere!'

    Two men came out of the house.'Hassel!Lindstrom!'Amundsen said.'It's good to see you!How many dogs do you have for me?'

    'Ninety-nine,Roald,'said Hassel.'The best ninety-nine dogs from Greenland.And they're very happy!They don't work;they just eat and play all day!They're having a won-derful summer here!'

    'Good,good.'Amundsen laughed.'But that's finished now.Hey,Bjaaland!Stop laughing—come down here and help me.Let's get all these dogs onto the ship!'

    It was not easy.The dogs were fat and strong,and they didn't want to go on the ship.But at last,after three hours'hard work,all ninety-nine were on the ship,and the Fram went out to sea again.

    The men were not happy.The weather was bad,the dogs were dirty,and some of the men were ill.They began to ask questions.

    'Why are we bringing dogs witn us?'asked one man,Jo hansen.'We're going thousands of kilometres south,past Cape1 Horn,and then north to Alaska.Why not wait,and get dogs in Alaska?'

    'Don't ask me,'said his friend,Helmer Hanssen,'I don't understand it.'

    The men talked for a long time.Then,on September 9th, Amundsen called everyone to the back of the ship.He stood quietly and looked at them.Behind him was a big map.It was not a map of the Arctic.It was a map of Antarctica.

    Bjaaland looked at Helmer Hanssen,and laughed.Then Amundsen began to speak.

    'Boys,'he said.'I know you are unhappy.You often ask me difficult questions,and I don't answer.Well,I'm going to an-swer all those questions now,today.

    We began to work for this journey4 two years ago.Then,we wanted to be the first men at the North Pole.But last year,Peary,an American,found the North Pole.So America was first to the North Pole,not Norway.We're going there,but we're too late.'

    'I don't understand this,'Bjaaland thought.'Why is Amundsen talking about the North Pole,with a map of Antarctica3 behind him?'

    Amundsen stopped for a minute,and looked at all the men slowly.No one said anything.

    'We have to go a long way south before we get to Alaska,'he said.'Very near Antarctica,you know.And Captain Scott,the Englishman,is going to the South Pole5 this year.He wants to put his British flag6 there.An American flag at the North Pole,a British flag at the South Pole.'

    Bjaaland began to understand.He started to smile and couldn't stop.He was warm and excited.

    'Well,boys,'Amundsen said slowly.'Do we want the British to put their flag at the South Pole first?How fast can we travel?We have a lot of dogs,and some of the most won-derful skiers on earth—Bjaaland here is the best in Norway!So I have an idea,boys.Let's go to the South Pole,and put the Norwegian flag there before the British!What do you say?'

    For a minute or two it was very quiet.Amundsen waited,and the men watched him and thought.Then Bjaaland


    'Yes!'he said.'Why not?It's a ski7 race,isn't it,and the English can't ski!It's a wonderful idea,of course!Let's go!'

    2 比赛





















     单词标签: cape  Arctic  Antarctica  journey  pole  flag  ski 


    1 cape [keɪp] ITEy6   第7级
    • I long for a trip to the Cape of Good Hope. 我渴望到好望角去旅行。
    • She was wearing a cape over her dress. 她在外套上披着一件披肩。
    2 Arctic [ˈɑ:ktɪk] czLzw   第6级
    • They flew over the unlimited reaches of the Arctic. 他们飞过了茫茫无边的北极上空。
    • The sort of animal lived in the Arctic Circle. 这种动物生活在北极圈里。
    3 Antarctica [æn'tɑ:ktɪkə] qzizPw   第4级
    • Antarctica is the earth's coldest landmass. 南极洲是地球上最冷的大陆。
    • This penguin is from Antarctica. 这只企鹅来自南极洲。
    4 journey [ˈdʒɜ:ni] k3mx1   第3级
    • She will give up this journey. 她将放弃这次旅行。
    • The journey home was great fun. 回家的旅程非常有趣。
    5 pole [pəʊl] IOJxB   第3级
    • The earth's poles are called the North Pole and the South Pole. 地球的极点称作北极和南极。
    • The horse broke away from my horse pole and ran wild. 这匹烈马挣断了我的套马杆狂奔起来。
    6 flag [flæg] qzNya   第3级
    • The flag is red and yellow. 这旗子红黄相间。
    • The flag is waving in the wind. 旗号正在风中飘荡。
    7 ski [ski:] bEBzB   第4级
    • The ski is wooden. 这滑雪板是木制的。
    • Do you have the skill to ski such a difficult slope? 你有沿着这样一个陡坡滑雪的本事吗?

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