He was quite short of breath, but he was hopping along in the most determined way as if he were in a great hurry to get somewhere.
Farmer Brown's Boy Is Determined Farmer Brown's boy had made up his mind.
He determined to demand more rent at a very early date.
Anna brushed her hair and determined not to put on the apron which she usually wore in the house.
He went amiably about in the manner of a veteran determined to enjoy the brief existence of life's winter.
I deemed myself the steward of his property, and determined, God willing, to render a good account.
"The disposal of my large teaching connection put me in possession of a handsome sum with part of it I determined to give myself the richest treat that I have known or shall know.
" I heard her mutter more than once; and at last, as if determined to have an answer to her question—which hitherto none seemed to mind, she spoke aloud this phrase—a phrase brief enough, simple enough, but it sent a shock through me—"Messieurs et mesdames," said she, "où donc est Justine Marie?
For some time the abuse of England and the English found and left me stolid: I bore it some fifteen minutes stoically enough; but this hissing cockatrice was determined to sting, and he said such things at last—fastening not only upon our women, but upon our greatest names and best men; sullying, the shield of Britannia, and dabbling the union jack in mud—that I was stung.
Bretton failed not to tell me why he was so kind: "To keep away the nun," he said; "he was determined to dispute with her her prey.
His manner, now, reminded me of qualities I had noticed in him when professionally engaged amongst the poor, the guilty, and the suffering, in the Basse-Ville: he looked at once determined, enduring, and sweet-tempered.
" "I did not know who you were, but I was determined to find out.
I shrank back into the darkest corner and cocked the pistol in my pocket, determined not to discover myself until I had an opportunity of seeing something of the stranger.
Fortunately we were not discouraged, and we determined to try again.
He had taken so much to heart Felicity's taunt that his stories were all true that he had determined to have a really-truly false one in the next number.
But her face, if pale, was very determined.
They had all come ashore and had been buried in Markdale graveyard; but he was determined to take them up and carry them home for burial.
He had left us grimly determined to confess to his father the dark secret of his Presbyterianism, and we were anxious to know what the result had been.
He laid determined siege to Cecily's young heart by all the methods known to love-lorn swains.
Cecily, determined to do her duty even in the face of such fearful odds as Great-aunt Eliza's deafness, dragged a ponderous, plush-covered album from its corner and proceeded to display and explain the family photographs.