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伊索寓言:The Bees, the Drones, and the Wasp
添加时间:2014-04-11 14:36:34 浏览次数: 作者:Aesop
  • Some Bees had built their comb in the hollow trunk of an oak. The Drones asserted that it was their doing, and belonged to them. The cause was brought into court before Judge Wasp1. Knowing something of the parties, he thus addressed them: "The plaintiffs and defendants2 are so much alike in shape and color as to render the ownership a doubtful matter. Let each party take a hive to itself, and build up a new comb, that from the shape of the cells and the taste of the honey, the lawful3 proprietors4 of the property in dispute may appear." The Bees readily assented5 to the Wasp's plan. The Drones declined it. Whereupon the Wasp gave judgment6: "It is clear now who made the comb, and who cannot make it; the Court adjudges the honey to the Bees."

    Professions are best tested by deeds.

     12级    伊索寓言 
     单词标签: wasp  defendants  lawful  proprietors  assented  judgment 


    1 wasp [wɒsp] sMczj   第9级
    • A wasp stung me on the arm. 黄蜂蜇了我的手臂。
    • Through the glass we can see the wasp. 透过玻璃我们可以看到黄蜂。
    2 defendants [dɪ'fendənts] 7d469c27ef878c3ccf7daf5b6ab392dc   第8级
    被告( defendant的名词复数 )
    • The courts heard that the six defendants had been coerced into making a confession. 法官审判时发现6位被告人曾被迫承认罪行。
    • As in courts, the defendants are represented by legal counsel. 与法院相同,被告有辩护律师作为代表。 来自英汉非文学 - 政府文件
    3 lawful [ˈlɔ:fl] ipKzCt   第8级
    • It is not lawful to park in front of a hydrant. 在消火栓前停车是不合法的。
    • We don't recognised him to be the lawful heir. 我们不承认他为合法继承人。
    4 proprietors [prəp'raɪətəz] c8c400ae2f86cbca3c727d12edb4546a   第9级
    n.所有人,业主( proprietor的名词复数 )
    • These little proprietors of businesses are lords indeed on their own ground. 这些小业主们,在他们自己的行当中,就是真正的至高无上的统治者。 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
    • Many proprietors try to furnish their hotels with antiques. 许多经营者都想用古董装饰他们的酒店。 来自辞典例句
    5 assented [əˈsentid] 4cee1313bb256a1f69bcc83867e78727   第9级
    同意,赞成( assent的过去式和过去分词 )
    • The judge assented to allow the prisoner to speak. 法官同意允许犯人申辩。
    • "No," assented Tom, "they don't kill the women -- they're too noble. “对,”汤姆表示赞同地说,“他们不杀女人——真伟大!
    6 judgment ['dʒʌdʒmənt] e3xxC   第7级
    • The chairman flatters himself on his judgment of people. 主席自认为他审视人比别人高明。
    • He's a man of excellent judgment. 他眼力过人。

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