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当前位置:首页 -> 5级英语阅读 - > 给大学应届生的20个建议
添加时间:2014-04-15 14:06:05 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • There are many new grads headed into the real world this time of year.


    It seems like a long time ago since my own graduation. I was recently asked for my advice to new graduates entering the workplace.


    So, here are my 20 Workplace Tips for New Grads, from a Time & Life Management perspective1, of course.


    1. Get to Work on Time – Unlike school, you can’t get away with sleeping in and not showing up. It will catch up to you quickly. Being present is the first step to success and the early bird is often rewarded.


    2. Do Your Homework – Just because you are out of school doesn’t mean homework ends. There will be times that you have to work outside working hours. Find your balance, but do your work when it is required.


    3. Watch Your Reputation– You reputation in the working world will precede2 you, and it will follow you wherever you go. In the online hyper-connected world, this is more true than ever. Always, defend your reputation.


    4. You Have to Do the Work – Sorry, but there are no shortcuts3. There is no 4-hour work week. There is no get rich quick. You have to put in the time. And yes, you have to do the work. If someone tells you otherwise, run the other direction, they are trying to sell you something.


    5. Bring Your Skills – Just because you are new to the workplace, do not be intimidated4. You are bringing skills and knowledge that the workplace is hungry for. Contribute what you can and learn from others that have preceded6 you.


    6. Work Hard – Always give your best effort. You never know what task is critical to your future success or may open a door of opportunity. If you find yourself in a job where you can’t give your all, it’s time to move on.


    7. Build Relationships – Whether you a social butterfly or a shy individual, make sure you build strong relationships. You do this by genuinely7 caring and supporting others. Hard work counts, but relationships make the world go round.


    8. Be An Adventurer – Always be willing to try new things. You can sit at home or the office any day. Don’t pass up an opportunity to try a new adventure.


    9. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail – You will fail many times. Especially early in your career. That is good. If you don’t fail once in a while, you aren’t trying.


    10. Ask for Help When You Need It – Just like in school, you may need to ask for extra help. Don’t let the workplace intimidate5 you from doing so.


    11. Find the Subjects You Are Good At – You probably majored in something you were good at. Find a job that matches your passions and skills. By the way, this is also the work you will enjoy. That one choice will bring you much joy or frustration8.


    12. Make Decisions – Living life is about making choices. Some are easy and some are hard. But, make sure you make your own decisions or life will make them for you.


    13. Have Goals & Write Them Down – There has an undercurrent lately, of advice stating that you shouldn’t have goals. These are the same people who don’t want to fail. Regularly write down your goals. Share them with those that you love.


    14. Blaze9 Your Own Path – You don’t have to follow in anyone else’s footsteps10. “That’s the way it has always been done” is a dangerous road-sign to follow on the road of life.


    15. Always Be Learning11 – You may have just finished school, but don’t think you are done learning. This has never been more important. In just a few short years, there will be entirely12 new technologies and information that didn’t exist when you were in school.


    16. No One Ever Was Successful Sitting on the Couch13 – You have to take the first step in your own journey. That new job isn’t going to magically appear. That book isn’t going to write itself. And so on… so, put the remote down and leave the couch.


    17. Enjoy the Journey - Too many people think life is a destination. “When I get there… I will be successful.” Life is a trip. Enjoy the journey. There is an end point, but the point is not to get there.

    享受过程——很多人认为生活就是目的。“当我到那里时,我就成功了。” 生命是一场旅行,要学会享受旅程。旅行总会有终点,但那并不是我们的目的。

    18. Spend Your Time Wisely - As you get into the workplace you will find that you have less “free time” than when you were in school. When you have a family, you will have even more demands on your time.Remember that you have as much time in the day as everyone else, spend it wisely.


    19. Don’t Settle– Life is too short to settle in your job or in your relationships. You don’t have to work there. You don’t have to stay in a relationship.


    20. Believe in Yourself – You have to be you biggest fan. In the workplace, no one is going care about your future more than you. Promote yourself where appropriate, and always believe in yourself even more than others do.


     5级    双语  美文 


    1 perspective [pəˈspektɪv] 7MAxN   第5级
    • You can get a perspective of the whole city from here. 从这里你可以看到城市的全景。
    • We may get a clear perspective of the people's happy lives. 我们知道人民对幸福生活的展望。
    2 precede [prɪˈsi:d] w1Azd   第6级
    vt. 领先,在…之前;优于,高于 vi. 领先,在前面
    • Agricultural development simply must precede economic development. 农业的发展必须在整个经济发展中处于领先地位。
    • Attributive adjectives precede the noun. 定语形容词位于名词前。
    3 shortcuts [ˈʃɔ:tˌkʌts] ebf87251d092a6de9c12cc3e85c1707a   第8级
    n.捷径( shortcut的名词复数 );近路;快捷办法;被切短的东西(尤指烟草)
    • In other words, experts want shortcuts to everything. 换句话说,专家需要所有的快捷方式。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
    • Offer shortcuts from the Help menu. 在帮助菜单中提供快捷方式。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
    4 intimidated [ɪnˈtɪmɪdeɪtɪd] 69a1f9d1d2d295a87a7e68b3f3fbd7d5   第7级
    • We try to make sure children don't feel intimidated on their first day at school. 我们努力确保孩子们在上学的第一天不胆怯。
    • The thief intimidated the boy into not telling the police. 这个贼恫吓那男孩使他不敢向警察报告。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    5 intimidate [ɪnˈtɪmɪdeɪt] 5Rvzt   第7级
    • You think you can intimidate people into doing what you want? 你以为你可以威胁别人做任何事?
    • The first strike capacity is intended mainly to intimidate adversary. 第一次攻击的武力主要是用来吓阻敌方的。
    6 preceded [ˌpriˈsi:did] 816bdee9b75d38113a396dc2ea5ffcd6   第6级
    在…之前发生(或出现),先于( precede的过去式和过去分词 ); 走在…前面
    • He preceded his speech with a warning against inattention. 他在开始讲演前告诫大家不得心不在焉。
    • He preceded his speech with welcome to the guests. 他在正式讲演前,先对来宾表示欢迎。
    7 genuinely ['dʒenjuinli] OsSzLm   第5级
    • She appeared genuinely surprised by this gesture of affection. 看来她真的被这个爱意的表示惊呆了。
    • She seems genuinely fond of the children. 她似乎真的喜欢这些小孩。
    8 frustration [frʌˈstreɪʃn] 4hTxj   第8级
    • He had to fight back tears of frustration. 他不得不强忍住失意的泪水。
    • He beat his hands on the steering wheel in frustration. 他沮丧地用手打了几下方向盘。
    9 blaze [bleɪz] 6t8z6   第6级
    • In a blaze of anger he shouted at them. 他怒火中烧,对着他们大吼起来。
    • Dry wood makes a good blaze. 干木燃起夺目的光焰。
    10 footsteps ['fʊtsteps] 6508b080b068283fa9f93b103a1b4406   第5级
    n.脚步(声),一步的距离,足迹;脚步(声)( footstep的名词复数 );一步的距离;足迹
    • the sound of footsteps on the stairs 楼梯上的脚步声
    • Their footsteps echoed in the silence. 他们的脚步声在一片寂静中回荡着。
    11 learning [ˈlɜ:nɪŋ] wpSzFe   第5级
    • When you are learning to ride a bicycle, you often fall off. 初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。
    • Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words. 学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。
    12 entirely [ɪnˈtaɪəli] entirely   第9级
    • The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty. 那场火灾完全是由于他们失职而引起的。
    • His life was entirely given up to the educational work. 他的一生统统献给了教育工作。
    13 couch [kaʊtʃ] mzfxf   第6级
    • Lie down on the couch if you're feeling ill. 如果你感觉不舒服就躺到沙发上去。
    • The rabbit sprang from its grassy couch. 兔子从草丛中跳出。

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