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英语名人名言: Travel 旅行
添加时间:2014-07-18 11:13:20 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • He who would travel happily must travel light.

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900 - 1944)

    Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible to travel from coast to coast without seeing anything.

    Charles Kuralt

    When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.

    Clifton Fadiman (1904 - 1999)

    The true traveler is he who goes on foot, and even then, he sits down a lot of the time.

    Colette (1873 - 1954), Paris From My Window, 1944

    A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.

    George Moore

    Before he sets out, the traveler must possess fixed1 interests and facilities to be served by travel.

    George Santayana (1863 - 1952)

    The saying "Getting there is half the fun" became obsolete2 with the advent3 of commercial airlines.

    Henry J. Tillman

    There’s something wonderful about entertaining people on vacation. Everyone is there to have a good time.

    Jennifer Hudson, I Got This: How I Changed My Ways and Lost What Weighed Me Down, 2012

    There is not a person in the world who is given the advantage of travel who does not return changed.

    Laura Moncur (1969 - ), The Secret Heart of Charlotte Lucas, 2014

    Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.

    Miriam Beard

    Travel is only glamorous4 in retrospect5.

    Paul Theroux (1941 - ), in The Washington Post

    Everywhere I go I find a poet has been there before me.

    Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939)

    Travel only with thy equals or thy betters; if there are none, travel alone.

    The Dhammapada

    No one travelling on a business trip would be missed if he failed to arrive.

    Thorstein Veblen (1857 - 1929)

     5级    名人名言 
     单词标签: fixed  obsolete  advent  glamorous  retrospect 


    1 fixed [fɪkst] JsKzzj   第8级
    • Have you two fixed on a date for the wedding yet? 你们俩选定婚期了吗?
    • Once the aim is fixed, we should not change it arbitrarily. 目标一旦确定,我们就不应该随意改变。
    2 obsolete [ˈɒbsəli:t] T5YzH   第7级
    • These goods are obsolete and will not fetch much on the market. 这些货品过时了,在市场上卖不了高价。
    • They tried to hammer obsolete ideas into the young people's heads. 他们竭力把陈旧思想灌输给青年。
    3 advent [ˈædvent] iKKyo   第7级
    • Swallows come by groups at the advent of spring. 春天来临时燕子成群飞来。
    • The advent of the Euro will redefine Europe. 欧元的出现将重新定义欧洲。
    4 glamorous [ˈglæmərəs] ezZyZ   第9级
    • The south coast is less glamorous but full of clean and attractive hotels. 南海岸魅力稍逊,但却有很多干净漂亮的宾馆。
    • It is hard work and not a glamorous job as portrayed by the media. 这是份苦差,并非像媒体描绘的那般令人向往。
    5 retrospect [ˈretrəspekt] xDeys   第7级
    • One's school life seems happier in retrospect than in reality. 学校生活回忆起来显得比实际上要快乐。
    • In retrospect, it's easy to see why we were wrong. 回顾过去就很容易明白我们的错处了。

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