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英语名人名言: Trust 信任
添加时间:2014-07-18 11:38:05 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • For somehow this is tyranny's disease, to trust no friends.

    Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC), Prometheus Bound

    I never trust people's assertions, I always judge of them by their actions.

    Ann Radcliffe (1764 - 1823), The Mysteries of Udolpho, 1764

    A human being is only interesting if he's in contact with himself. I learned you have to trust yourself, be what you are, and do what you ought to do the way you should do it. You have got to discover you, what you do, and trust it.

    Barbra Streisand (1942 - )

    You have got to discover you, what you do, and trust it.

    Barbra Streisand (1942 - )

    A man who doesn't trust himself can never truly trust anyone else.

    Cardinal1 de Retz, Memoires

    Do not trust all men, but trust men of worth; the former course is silly, the latter a mark of prudence2.

    Democritus (460 BC - 370 BC)

    Anyone who goes through life trusting people without making sure they are worthy3 of trust is a fool. Yet there are people who may be trusted, men as well as women. There are are as many difference in their natures as there are flowers in these meadows.

    Elizabeth Aston, The Exploits & Adventures of Miss Alethea Darcy, 2005

    In a networked world, trust is the most important currency.

    Eric Schmidt, University of Pennsylvania Commencement Address, 2009

    You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment4 if you do not trust enough.

    Frank Crane

    The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action.

    Frank Herbert (1920 - 1986)

    It is impossible to go through life without trust: That is to be imprisoned5 in the worst cell of all, oneself.

    Graham Greene, The Ministry6 of Fear

    For it is mutual7 trust, even more than mutual interest that holds human associations together. Our friends seldom profit us but they make us feel safe... Marriage is a scheme to accomplish exactly that same end.

    H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)

    The chief lesson I have learned in a long life is that the only way to make a man trustworthy is to trust him; and the surest way to make him untrustworthy is to distrust him and show your distrust.

    Henry L. Stimson (1867 - 1950)

    The only way to make a man trustworthy is to trust him.

    Henry Stimson (1867 - 1950)

    Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain.

    J. K. Rowling, Harry8 Potter and The Chamber9 of Secrets, 1999

    A person who trusts no one can't be trusted.

    Jerome Blattner

    Mistrust the man who finds everything good, the man who finds everything evil and still more the man who is indifferent to everything.

    Johann K. Lavater

    As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832), Faust

    But the life that no longer trust another human being and no longer forms ties to the political community is not a human life any longer.

    Martha Nussbaum, O Magazine, November 2003

    Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly, and they will show themselves great.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882), Essays, First Series: Prudence, 1841

    There are people I know who won't hurt me. I call them corpses10.

    Randy K. Milholland, Something Positive Comic, 12-06-05

    When you really trust someone, you have to be okay with not understanding some things.

    Real Live Preacher, Real Live Preacher weblog, 07-08-04

    It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust.

    Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)

    When I'm trusting and being myself... everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously11.

    Shakti Gawain

    If we are bound to forgive an enemy, we are not bound to trust him.

    Thomas Fuller (1608 - 1661)

    Trust thyself only, and another shall not betray thee.

    Thomas Fuller (1608 - 1661)

    Trust one who has gone through it.

    Virgil (70 BC - 19 BC), The Aeneid

     10级    名人名言 


    1 cardinal [ˈkɑ:dɪnl] Xcgy5   第7级
    • This is a matter of cardinal significance. 这是非常重要的事。
    • The Cardinal coloured with vexation. 红衣主教感到恼火,脸涨得通红。
    2 prudence ['pru:dns] 9isyI   第11级
    • A lack of prudence may lead to financial problems. 不够谨慎可能会导致财政上出现问题。
    • The happy impute all their success to prudence or merit. 幸运者都把他们的成功归因于谨慎或功德。
    3 worthy [ˈwɜ:ði] vftwB   第7级
    • I did not esteem him to be worthy of trust. 我认为他不值得信赖。
    • There occurred nothing that was worthy to be mentioned. 没有值得一提的事发生。
    4 torment [ˈtɔ:ment] gJXzd   第7级
    • He has never suffered the torment of rejection. 他从未经受过遭人拒绝的痛苦。
    • Now nothing aggravates me more than when people torment each other. 没有什么东西比人们的互相折磨更使我愤怒。
    5 imprisoned [ɪmˈprɪzənd] bc7d0bcdd0951055b819cfd008ef0d8d   第8级
    下狱,监禁( imprison的过去式和过去分词 )
    • He was imprisoned for two concurrent terms of 30 months and 18 months. 他被判处30个月和18个月的监禁,合并执行。
    • They were imprisoned for possession of drugs. 他们因拥有毒品而被监禁。
    6 ministry [ˈmɪnɪstri] kD5x2   第7级
    • They sent a deputation to the ministry to complain. 他们派了一个代表团到部里投诉。
    • We probed the Air Ministry statements. 我们调查了空军部的报告。
    7 mutual [ˈmju:tʃuəl] eFOxC   第7级
    • We must pull together for mutual interest. 我们必须为相互的利益而通力合作。
    • Mutual interests tied us together. 相互的利害关系把我们联系在一起。
    8 harry [ˈhæri] heBxS   第8级
    • Today, people feel more hurried and harried. 今天,人们感到更加忙碌和苦恼。
    • Obama harried business by Healthcare Reform plan. 奥巴马用医改掠夺了商界。
    9 chamber [ˈtʃeɪmbə(r)] wnky9   第7级
    • For many, the dentist's surgery remains a torture chamber. 对许多人来说,牙医的治疗室一直是间受刑室。
    • The chamber was ablaze with light. 会议厅里灯火辉煌。
    10 corpses [kɔ:psiz] 2e7a6f2b001045a825912208632941b2   第7级
    n.死尸,尸体( corpse的名词复数 )
    • The living soldiers put corpses together and burned them. 活着的战士把尸体放在一起烧了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    • Overhead, grayish-white clouds covered the sky, piling up heavily like decaying corpses. 天上罩满了灰白的薄云,同腐烂的尸体似的沉沉的盖在那里。 来自汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
    11 miraculously [mi'rækjuləsli] unQzzE   第8级
    • He had been miraculously saved from almost certain death. 他奇迹般地从死亡线上获救。
    • A schoolboy miraculously survived a 25 000-volt electric shock. 一名男学生在遭受2.5 万伏的电击后奇迹般地活了下来。

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