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添加时间:2015-02-08 16:30:40 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • Absence to love is what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small; it inflames1 the great. (Roger de Bussy-Rabutin, French writer)

    离别之于爱情好比风之于火,它能将小火熄灭,使大火熊熊燃烧。(法国作家 比西-拉比旦.R.)

    Every man is a poet when he is in love. (Plato ancient Creek2 philosopher)

    每个恋爱中的人都是诗人。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)

    First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. (George Bernard Shaw)

    初恋就是一点点笨拙外加许许多多好奇。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G)

    Friendship is like earthenware3: once broken, it can be mended; love is like a mirror: once broken, that ends it. (Josh Billings. American humorist)

    友谊就像陶器,破了可以修补;爱情好比镜子,一旦打破就难重圆。(美国幽默作家 比林斯 .J.)

    Friendship is love without his wings. (George Gordon Byron, Bdritish poet)

    友谊是没有羽翼的爱。(英国诗人 拜伦.G,G)

    Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. (Albert Einstein, American scientist)


    The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. (Burke Edmund, British statesman)

    权力越大,滥用职权的危险就越大。(英国政治家 埃德蒙.B.)

    The greatest of evils and the worst of crims is poverty. (George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist)

    最大的恶和最凶的罪是贫穷。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G.)

    The paramount4 duty of Congress is to stop deficiencies by the restoration of that protective legislation which has always been the firmst prop5 of the Treasury6. (William Mckinley, American president)

    国会的最高职责是恢复始终是国家财政最坚实支柱的保护性立法,以制止财政赤字。(美国总统 科金利.W.)

    The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a correct judgment7. Were it fall to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers of newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. (Thomas Jefferson, American president)

    人民是完全可以信赖的,应该让他们听到一切真实和虚伪的东西,然后作出正确的判断。倘使让我来决定,我们应该是有一个政府而不要报纸呢,还是应该有报纸而不要政府,我会毫不犹豫选择后者。(美国总统 杰斐逊.T.)

    The tyrant8 dies and his rule ends, the martyr9 dies and his rule be-gins. (Soren Kierkegaard, Danish religious philowopher)

    暴君死了,他统治也就结束;烈士死了,他的统治刚开始。(丹麦宗教哲学家 基尔克戈德.S.)

    There is something behind the throne greater than the king him-self. (William Pitt, British statesman)

    在王座的后面还有比国王本人更伟大东西。(英国政治家 皮特.W.)

    To be acquainted with the merit of ministry10, we need only observe the condition of the people. (Junius, Unidentified letter writer)

    要了解政府的政绩只需要观察民情。(国籍不明书信代理人 朱尼厄斯)

    To know the pains of power, we must go to those who have it; to know its pleasure, we must go to those who are seeking it :the pains of power is real, its pleasures imaginary. (C.Colton Charles, British churchman)

    欲知权力带来的痛苦,去问那些当权者;欲知权力带来的乐趣,去问那些追逐权势者:权力带来的痛苦是真实的,而权力带来的乐趣只不过是凭空想象的。(英国牧师 查尔斯.C.C.)

    Too fond of the right to pursue the expedient11. (Oliver Goldsimith, British poet)

    过分喜欢权力就会不择手段。(英国诗人 哥尔德斯密斯.O.)

    We need in politics man who have something to give, not men who have something to get. (Bernard Baruch, Averican economist)

    在政治中我们需要能有所奉献的人,而不是想有所收获的人。(美国经济学家 巴鲁克.B.)

    When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property. (Thomas Jefferson, American President)

    当一个人受到公众信任时,他就应该把自己看作公众的财产。(美国总统 杰斐逊.T.)

    When society requires to be rebuilt, there is no use attempting to rebuild it on the old plan. (John Stuart Mill, BAritish economist)

    当社会需要重建时,试图墨守旧的蓝图重建它是徒劳无益的。(英国经济学家 穆勒.J.S.)

     11级    英语谚语 


    1 inflames [ɪnf'leɪmz] 486bf23406dec9844b97f966f4636c9b   第9级
    v.(使)变红,发怒,过热( inflame的第三人称单数 )
    • The Captain inflames the crew with his rhetoric. 船长以他的辩才点燃了船员心中之火。 来自辞典例句
    • However, the release of antibodies also inflames the bronchi and bronchioles. 然而,抗体的产生也导致了了支气管和细支气管群的发炎。 来自互联网
    2 creek [kri:k] 3orzL   第8级
    • He sprang through the creek. 他跳过小河。
    • People sunbathe in the nude on the rocks above the creek. 人们在露出小溪的岩石上裸体晒日光浴。
    3 earthenware [ˈɜ:θnweə(r)] Lr5xL   第9级
    • She made sure that the glassware and earthenware were always spotlessly clean. 她总是把玻璃器皿和陶器洗刷得干干净净。
    • They displayed some bowls of glazed earthenware. 他们展出了一些上釉的陶碗。
    4 paramount [ˈpærəmaʊnt] fL9xz   第9级
    • My paramount object is to save the Union and destroy slavery. 我的最高目标是拯救美国,摧毁奴隶制度。
    • Nitrogen is of paramount importance to life on earth. 氮对地球上的生命至关重要。
    5 prop [prɒp] qR2xi   第7级
    • A worker put a prop against the wall of the tunnel to keep it from falling. 一名工人用东西支撑住隧道壁好使它不会倒塌。
    • The government does not intend to prop up declining industries. 政府无意扶持不景气的企业。
    6 treasury [ˈtreʒəri] 7GeyP   第9级
    • The Treasury was opposed in principle to the proposals. 财政部原则上反对这些提案。
    • This book is a treasury of useful information. 这本书是有价值的信息宝库。
    7 judgment ['dʒʌdʒmənt] e3xxC   第7级
    • The chairman flatters himself on his judgment of people. 主席自认为他审视人比别人高明。
    • He's a man of excellent judgment. 他眼力过人。
    8 tyrant [ˈtaɪrənt] vK9z9   第8级
    • The country was ruled by a despotic tyrant. 该国处在一个专制暴君的统治之下。
    • The tyrant was deaf to the entreaties of the slaves. 暴君听不到奴隶们的哀鸣。
    9 martyr [ˈmɑ:tə(r)] o7jzm   第9级
    • The martyr laid down his life for the cause of national independence. 这位烈士是为了民族独立的事业而献身的。
    • The newspaper carried the martyr's photo framed in black. 报上登载了框有黑边的烈士遗像。
    10 ministry [ˈmɪnɪstri] kD5x2   第7级
    • They sent a deputation to the ministry to complain. 他们派了一个代表团到部里投诉。
    • We probed the Air Ministry statements. 我们调查了空军部的报告。
    11 expedient [ɪkˈspi:diənt] 1hYzh   第9级
    • The government found it expedient to relax censorship a little. 政府发现略微放宽审查是可取的。
    • Every kind of expedient was devised by our friends. 我们的朋友想出了各种各样的应急办法。

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