After the killing1 of medusa,perseus,carrying her head with him,flew far and wide,over land and night came on,he reached the western limit of the earth ,where the sun goes he would gladly have rested till was the kingdom of king atlas2,who was bigger than all other men.he was rich in flocks and herds3 and had no neighbor or rival to invade his country.but his chiefpride was in his gardens,whose fruit was of gold,hanging fromg olden branches,half hid with golden leaves.perseus said tohim,“i come as a guest.i claim zeus for my father and i killedmedusa.i seek rest and food.”but atlas remembered that anancient prophecy had warned him that a son of zeus should one day rob him of his golden apples .so he answered,“go away!or neither your false claims of glory or parentage shall protect you” ;and he attempted to drive him out.perseus,finding thegiant too strong for him,said,“since you value my friendship solittle,please accept a gift”;and turning his face away,he heldup medusa''s head.atlas was changed into stone.his beard and hair became forests,his arms and shoulders cliffs,his head asummit,and his bones rocks.each part increased till he becamea mountain,and(such was the pleasure of the gods)heaven with all its stars rests upon his shoulders.
killing [ˈkɪlɪŋ]
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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