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添加时间:2015-12-30 20:19:38 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • bail1 on 放弃 = give up

    例:We had to bail on our golf game, It's pouring rain outside.


    Why don't you bail on your girlfriend tonight and come out with the boys instead? 你为什么不能放弃今晚和女友的约会,来和哥几个玩去呢?

    an act of faith 很有信心

    Moving to ShangHai required an act of faith , I didn't know if I would be able to find work but I did. 定居上海需要足够的自信。很难说我能否找到工作,但是,我做到了。

    harm's way 危险 out of harm's way 脱离危险 in harm's way 陷入危险

    If you walk home alone at night, you're putting yourself directly in harm's way. 如果你夜里独自回家,等于自找危险。

    show a little charity 大方一点 means to be generous with your wealth

    Your business is doing very well , why don't you show a little charity and donate some money to our community. 你挣那么多。为什么不大方些,为咱们社区捐点钱呢?

    You have so many girlfriends, can't you just introduce me to one of them? show a little charity , man ! 你有那么多女朋友,为什么不给我介绍一个呢?大方点吧,哥们~!

    ring a bell 想起,耳熟

    A:Do you know Marry?

    B:Her name rings a bell.名字很耳熟.但是想不起来.

    We made plans last night to meet today at 2pm to go food shopping, is any of this ringing a bell?

     5级    英语口语 
     单词标签: bail 


    1 bail [beɪl] Aupz4   第8级
    • One of the prisoner's friends offered to bail him out. 犯人的一个朋友答应保释他出来。
    • She has been granted conditional bail. 她被准予有条件保释。

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