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添加时间:2016-02-12 10:41:03 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • "Hongbao and fireworks."

    "Eating these Jiaozi, watching the CCTV program, maybe giving the children hongbao, and all these bianpao, the fireworks."

    "Wearing traditional Tang suit and paying some New Year calls to friends and families."

    Living in a foreign country can be the most exciting, challenging, and sometimes most confusing experience in a person's life.

    Ricardo Akonso, 27-year-old media worker from the United Kingdom, has been working in Beijing for more than two years.

    According to him, Beijing is usually crowded and busy, but also convenient and open like all the other international metropolises1. But during the festival season, the city becomes restful.

    Akonso is also impressed with the fireworks that are commonly seen and heard during Spring Festival.

    "There's crazy amount of fireworks going on. It's like a war or something. It's crazy loud and you can't sleep well. I used to live in Dongzhimen in a little compound. It's like all the guys used to set off so many fireworks, so it was very very loud, but it was cool at the same time! "

    The word "cool" can hardly summarize every foreigner's attitude toward fireworks. Some even say the whole city feels like a battlefield. And when you least expect it - KABOOM!

    Unlike westerners who appreciate the visual aspect of fireworks more, Chinese also find the loudness cheering, since ancient Chinese believed that sound kept evil away.

    Diego Torres, who now lives in Madrid, studied in Beijing for more than six years. He specifically mentioned that the long holiday has provided people, especially the young generations, with more options.

    "Young Chinese people really love to spend time with their relatives but they also now take the advantage of the holidays to be alone. Maybe they first spend time with their relatives and then travel with their boyfriend or girlfriend. You see these lots of traditions but there is also a lot of free will and innovations2."

    In the meantime, to those foreigners who married into a Chinese family, the experience can be quite different.

    Lee Na Dan from South Korea has lived in Beijing since 2008 and now has a Chinese wife.

    Even though he has an Asian background, which includes the custom of celebrating the lunar New Year, the Korean and Chinese festivities are not that alike.

    "In Korea, we don't have dumplings during the lunar new year, that's different from in China. We have our own traditional food: a kind of soup that made of rice cake pieces. We play cards with families as well, like people in China. But we return back to our own homes at 8 or 9 at night. There's no such custom of staying up late during the New Year's Eve."

    Anurabanda from Sri Lanka has been living in China for over 20 years. He got married with a Chinese woman. He celebrates two different New Year Festivals every year in both countries.

    He describes how his family celebrates Sri Lanka's New Year festival every April 14th.

    "In Sri Lanka, normally we don't visit relatives on New Year's eve. On the first day of the New Year, couples would visit the husband's parents first, and then the wife's. I have 5 brothers. On the first day of the New Year, my brothers would bring their wives and children to my mother's house. So that would be over 30 people in a room. We eat every meal together. The biggest problem for us is that our cooking pot is not big enough!"

    China and Sri Lanka have different traditions during New Year Festival. Many Chinese believe wives should spend the Spring Festival with their parents-in-law, while their parents are visited by sons and daughters-in-law. However, Due to the family planning policy introduced in 1979, most young couples are the only children in their families.

    That's why young couples now celebrate spring festival by visiting each other's hometowns in alternate3 years, inviting4 both parents to their homes or traveling with both parents.

    Chinese Spring Festival starts on lunar New Year's Eve and ends after the Lantern Festival. Foreign people in China can participate in the tradition of lantern watching, riddle5 guessing, and the cooking of sweet dumplings to help them understand China's ancient culture.

     6级    英文科普 
     单词标签: metropolises  innovations  alternate  inviting  riddle 


    1 metropolises [mɪˈtrɔpəlɪsiz] 3d837c2865033f3eb08d5709dbe6d0ee   第9级
    n.一国的主要城市(不一定是首都)( metropolis的名词复数 );中心;大都会;大城市
    • That season, you ride it, all metropolises achieve what one wishes! 那时节,您骑上它,一切都会如愿以偿! 来自互联网
    • Carl has carried the banner in infernal metropolises. 卡尔曾经在那些地狱般的大都市流浪街头。 来自互联网
    2 innovations [ɪnə'veɪʃnz] 778a9bbc2a59ba8688efb177c7816ef7   第6级
    改革( innovation的名词复数 ); 新观念; 新事物; 新设施
    • The engineer has many technical innovations to his credit. 这位工程师有许多项技术革新的成就。
    • This year's copy contains no innovations over those in the past. 今年的版本没有不同于过去的新花样。
    3 alternate [ɔ:lˈtɜ:nət] rLWyh   第6级
    • He and I clean our room on alternate days. 我和他隔日轮流打扫我们的房间。
    • That was a week of alternate rain and sunshine. 那是晴雨天交替的一周。
    4 inviting [ɪnˈvaɪtɪŋ] CqIzNp   第8级
    • An inviting smell of coffee wafted into the room. 一股诱人的咖啡香味飘进了房间。
    • The kitchen smelled warm and inviting and blessedly familiar. 这间厨房的味道温暖诱人,使人感到亲切温馨。
    5 riddle [ˈrɪdl] WCfzw   第7级
    n.谜;谜语;vt. 解谜;出谜题;充满;筛选;vi.出谜题
    • The riddle couldn't be solved by the child. 这个谜语孩子猜不出来。
    • Her disappearance is a complete riddle. 她的失踪完全是一个谜。

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