More than 90 per cent of the global population lives in a place where the air does not meet World Health Organisation1 safety guidelines, according to a study from the UN agency that warns of a public health emergency created by rising pollution levels.
The most detailed2 research on outdoor pollution in individual countries undertaken by the organisation shows an estimated 3m deaths a year can be linked to dirty air from coal-fired power plants, old cars, factories and other sources.
Millions more are affected3 by smoke inside homes from stoves or fires fuelled with wood or dung, meaning a total of 6.5m deaths were associated with air pollution in 2012, the agency said.
Air pollution continues to rise at an alarming rate, and affects economies and people’s quality of life.
It is a public health emergency, the study says.
An interactive4 map made by the agency reveals stark5 disparities among countries’ levels of particulate6 matter, one of the most dangerous forms of air pollution.
Tiny particles, no bigger than 2.5 micrometres, can penetrate7 deep into the lungs and cardiovascular system.
WHO guidelines say annual average concentrations should not exceed 10 micrograms per cubic metre.
The limit is met in much of the US, Canada and countries such as Australia and New Zealand.
But many places in Europe, including parts of the UK, France and Germany, exceed it.
More than 90 per cent of the UK population lives in areas that break WHO limits, according to the study’s model, developed with an international team led by the University of Bath.
根据这项研究的模型,超过90%的英国人口生活在超过世卫组织标准的地区,该模型由巴斯大学(University of Bath)牵头的一个国际团队制作。
The higher levels of pollution in Europe could be down to the number of EU countries that encouraged the use of diesel8 cars compared with North America, said Annette Pruss-Ustun, a co-author of the study.
报告作者之一安妮特•普鲁斯-于斯顿(Annette Pruss-Ustun)表示,与北美相比,欧洲空气污染水平较高可能源于很多欧盟国家鼓励使用柴油汽车。
organisation [ˌɔ:gənaɪ'zeɪʃən]
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n.组织,安排,团体,有机休 | |
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detailed [ˈdi:teɪld]
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adj.详细的,详尽的,极注意细节的,完全的 | |
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affected [əˈfektɪd]
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adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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interactive [ˌɪntərˈæktɪv]
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adj.相互作用的,互相影响的,(电脑)交互的 | |
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stark [stɑ:k]
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adj.荒凉的;严酷的;完全的;adv.完全地 | |
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particulate [pɑ:ˈtɪkjələt]
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adj.微小的;n.微粒,粒子 | |
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