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添加时间:2017-01-08 20:49:42 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • Why Say No


    1. People will respect you. People who say yes to everything in an attempt to be liked are quickly recognized as pushovers.

    1. 人们会尊重你。人们之所以言听计从,是力图被别人喜欢,但很快就会被认为是容易搞定的人。

    When you say no to someone you are letting them know that you have boundaries. You are showing that you respect yourself--and that is how you gain respect from others.


    2. People will actually see you as more dependable. When you say yes only when you have the time and true ability to do a great job, then you'll gain a reputation for being dependable.If you say yes to everything, you're bound1 to do a bad job at everything.

    2. 人们会觉得你很可靠。当你只有在有时间和能力做好的时候才答应别人,你就能为自己赢来可靠的名声。如果你对什么都是言听计从,你一定什么都做不好。

    3. When you're selective with your tasks, you'll sharpen2 your natural strengths. If you concentrate on the things you're good at, you'll be able to improve on your natural talents. For example, if you're a great writer but you're not so great as an artist, you may volunteer to write speeches but you shouldn't sign up to make the posters for your club. Concentrate on your strength and build your skills (and your experience) for college.

    3. 当你有选择性地对待你的任务,你就可以提高自己的天然优势。如果你将注意力集中在你所擅长的事情上,你就可以改善自己的天赋。例如,如果你是一个出色的作家,但你在艺术方面则没有什么天赋,你可能就会自发地歇一歇演讲稿,但你却不会签约去为你的俱乐部制作海报。将注意力集中在你的长处上,锻炼自己在大学的技术(和经验)。

    4. Your life will be less stressful. You may be tempted3 to say yes to people in order to please them. In the long run, you're only hurting yourself and others when you do this. You stress yourself out by overloading5 yourself, and you experience increased stress when you realize you're bound to let them down.

    4. 你的生活也会少些压力。你可能为了取悦一些人而答应他们某些事。从长远看,当你这样做的时候,你只是在伤害你自己和他人。你使自己超载,从而不堪重负,当你意识到你一定会让别人失望的时候,你的压力也会也会与之剧增。

    When to Say No


    First let's point out the obvious: do your homework.


    You should never say no to a teacher, friend, or family member who is merely asking you to live up to your responsibilities. It's not okay to say no to a class assignment, just because you don't feel like doing it for some reason. This is not an exercise in cockiness.


    It is OK to say no when somebody is asking you to step outside your true responsibilities and outside your comfort zone to take on a task that is dangerous or one that will overload4 you and affect your academic work and your reputation.


    For example:


    •If a teacher suggests that you become the president of a club that he or she is advising, but your schedule is already over-packed.


    •If a popular athlete asks you to help with his/her homework and you don't have time.


    •If anybody asks you to do their homework for them.


    •If anybody asks you to give them information that was on a test (if they have a later class with the same teacher).


    It can be very difficult to say no to somebody whom you really respect, but you'll find that you actually gain respect from them when you show enough courage to say no.


    How to Say No


    We say yes to people because it's easy. Learning6 to say no is like learning anything: it seems really scary at first, but it's so rewarding when you get the hang of it!


    The trick to saying no is doing it firmly without sounding rude. You must avoid being wishy-washy. Here are some lines you can practice:


    •If a teacher asks you to take on more responsibility than you need: Thank you for thinking of me, but I will have to say no. I'm just over-scheduled at this time.


    •If a teacher asks you to do something you don't feel comfortable with: This sounds like it would be a great opportunity for somebody, but it's not right for me.


    •If somebody wants you to cheat: Sorry, I don't share my homework. That would get us both in trouble.


    •If somebody tries to push work off on you: I just don't have the time to do a good job at that right now.


    •If somebody tries to overload you with a task: I can't do that because I have an assignment due tomorrow.


    •If somebody tries to unload a problem on you: I understand your situation, but I don't have an answer for you.


    When You Have to Say Yes


    There will be times when you want to say no but you can’t. If you're working on a group project, you have to take on some of the work, but you don't want to volunteer for everything. When you have to say yes, you can do it with firm conditions.


    A conditional7 "yes" may be necessary if you know you should do something but you also know you don't have all the time or resources. An example of a conditional yes is: "Yes, I'll make the posters for the club, but I won't pay for all the supplies."


    Saying no is all about gaining respect. Gain respect for yourself by saying no when it's necessary. Gain the respect of others by saying no in a polite way.


     5级    双语 
     单词标签: bound  sharpen  tempted  overload  overloading  learning  conditional 


    1 bound [baʊnd] fRUyQ   第5级
    • I feel honor bound to repay the money I borrowed. 我觉得有责任归还我借的钱。
    • If he signs that paper, he will be bound hand and foot. 如果他签署那份文件,他就会受到束缚。
    2 sharpen [ˈʃɑ:pən] jzNwW   第5级
    • This exercise will help students sharpen up their reading skills. 这个练习将帮助学生提高阅读能力。
    • When you sharpen a pencil, you make chips. 你削铅笔时,会削下许多碎屑。
    3 tempted ['temptid] b0182e969d369add1b9ce2353d3c6ad6   第7级
    • I was sorely tempted to complain, but I didn't. 我极想发牢骚,但还是没开口。
    • I was tempted by the dessert menu. 甜食菜单馋得我垂涎欲滴。
    4 overload [ˌəʊvəˈləʊd] RmHz40   第8级
    • Don't overload the boat or it will sink. 别超载,否则船会沉。
    • Large meals overload the digestive system. 吃得太饱会加重消化系统的负担。
    5 overloading ['əʊvə'ləʊdɪŋ] 5d6065404e868eff08c1dbdf99107858   第8级
    • Enables multiple users to search the site without overloading the server. 使多个用户搜索网站,而无需超载的服务器上。
    • The driver got stripped down again for overloading his trunk. 那位卡车司机因为超载又受到责备。
    6 learning [ˈlɜ:nɪŋ] wpSzFe   第5级
    • When you are learning to ride a bicycle, you often fall off. 初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。
    • Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words. 学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。
    7 conditional [kənˈdɪʃənl] BYvyn   第8级
    • My agreement is conditional on your help. 你肯帮助我才同意。
    • There are two forms of most-favored-nation treatment: conditional and unconditional. 最惠国待遇有两种形式:有条件的和无条件的。

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