1. 桃子和李子
Researchers at Texas A&M found that plums and peaches have antioxidant levels to rival "superfood" blueberries -- and that they contain two types of polyphenols (antioxidants) that may help kill breast cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact.
2. 核桃
In a study out of Marshall University School of Medicine in West Virginia, researchers substituted the equivalent of two ounces of walnuts2 per day into the diet of one group of mice; the other group was fed a calorically equivalent, but walnut1-free, diet.
After 34 days, the growth rate of tumors in the walnut eaters was half that of the mice who ate no walnuts. Experts think walnuts' anti-inflammatory properties—may give them their tumor-fighting potential. Still, "walnuts can be part of a healthy diet that can reduce your risk for cancer," says lead researcher Elaine Hardman, Ph. D.
34天后,吃核桃的一组老鼠的肿瘤生长速度比不吃核桃那一组的老鼠慢一倍。专家认为核桃含有抗炎作用——能够抑制肿瘤生长。该实验组组长Elaine Hardman博士说:“核桃是能够降低罹患癌症风险的健康食品。”