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英国语文第一册 第35期:Mary的小羊羔
添加时间:2018-05-06 21:27:54 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • LESSON 35 MARY'S LITTLE LAMB 第三十五课 Mary的小羊羔

    Mary had a little lamb, Mary有一只小羊羔,

    His fleece was white as snow; 它的羊毛白如雪。

    And everywhere that Mary went 无论Mary走到哪儿

    The lamb was sure to go. 它都会跟随。

    He followed her to school one day— 一天它跟着Mary来到了学校,

    That was against the rule; 这违反了纪律,

    It made the children laugh and play,To see a lamb at school. 在学校里看到一只羊让孩子们都笑了和它玩耍。

    The teacher therefore turned him out: 老师因此把它赶了出去,

    But still he lingered1 near, 但它仍逗留在附近。

    And on the grass he played about,Till Mary did appear. 它在草地上玩耍知道Mary出现。

    At once he ran to her, and laid his head upon her arm, 它一跑向Mary就把头放在Mary的手臂上

    As if to say, I'm not afraid— 好像在说,我很害怕,

    You'll keep me from all harm. 你会让我远离伤害的。

    What makes the lamb love Mary so?" 为什么这只小羊羔如此的爱Mary?”

    The little children cry: 这群孩子问道,

    Oh! Mary loves the lamb, you know," 你们知道的,因为Mary很爱它呀”

    The teacher did reply. 老师回答道。

     4级    英国语文 
     单词标签: lingered 


    1 lingered [ˈliŋɡəd] ee2a74cbe6517ca3b8975af01d1e2754   第6级
    v.逗留( linger的过去式和过去分词 );缓慢消失;苟延残喘;持续看(或思考)
    • The faint smell of her perfume lingered in the room. 房间里仍飘溢着她那淡淡的香水味。
    • The smell of the gas oil lingered in the house. 屋里仍然飘溢着汽油味。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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