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小故事背诵达人第30期:Warmth for Everyone
添加时间:2018-05-25 17:34:27 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • Unit 8 Warmth1 for Everyone 第8单元 温暖满人间

    Tomorrow is a special day. Each year on December 24th, 明天是个特殊的日子,每年的十二月二十四日,

    our family gathers together the unused blankets and jackets we have in our house. 我们全家会收集家中不用的谈资和外套。

    We then take the pile, put them into our station wagon2, 然后把这一堆收集品放到旅行车上,

    and drive around the city giving them to street people. 开车到市内分送给街头游民,

    We also bake cookies and hand them out, too. 我们也会烤饼干分送出去,

    Sometimes my dog, Danny, shares his doggy treats, 有时候我的狗丹尼会分享它的饼干,

    and I pass them out to the dogs that live on the streets with their owners. 我会把这些饼干给街头游民养的狗。

    Last year, we met a woman who lived on the corner of 6th and knight3. 去年,我们在骑士街六号街角遇到一位女士,

    When she saw the red ribbon4 in my hair, she smiled. 当她看到我头上的红色缎带时,

    She said her favorite color was red. 她微笑并说她最喜欢的颜色就是红色,

    I remembered that in the car there was a red blanket with pink flowers. 我想起车上有条红色毯子,上头绣着粉红色的花朵,

    I ran and got it for her. She told me she loved it. 我跑去拿给她,她告诉我她很喜欢。

    Sometimes, we see the same people year after year. 有时候我们每年会遇到相同的人。

    This year, I saved my allowance5 and bought the lady on 6th and Knight a red scarf. 今年我存了零用钱,为骑士街六号的那位女士买了条红围巾,

    If I see her tomorrow, I will give it to her. 如果明天看到她,我就会送给她,

    If I don't see her, I guess I will just give it to someone else who likes red. 如果没有,我就会送给也喜欢红色的人。

     4级    英语故事 
     单词标签: warmth  wagon  knight  ribbon  allowance 


    1 warmth [wɔ:mθ] hHFyV   第4级
    • He answered with warmth. 他热情地回答。
    • We felt the warmth of the Sun. 我们感受到太阳的温暖。
    2 wagon [ˈwægən] XhUwP   第7级
    • We have to fork the hay into the wagon. 我们得把干草用叉子挑进马车里去。
    • The muddy road bemired the wagon. 马车陷入了泥泞的道路。
    3 knight [naɪt] W2Hxk   第7级
    • He was made an honourary knight. 他被授予荣誉爵士称号。
    • A knight rode on his richly caparisoned steed. 一个骑士骑在装饰华丽的马上。
    4 ribbon [ˈrɪbən] ICtzx   第4级
    • Her hair was tied up with a ribbon. 她用一条丝带系着头发。
    • We decorated our car with ribbon. 我们在汽车上挂满了缎带。
    5 allowance [əˈlaʊəns] RLdyr   第6级
    • My monthly allowance is 50 yuan. 我每月的津贴是50元。
    • I have to work to earn my allowance. 我非得工作挣零用钱。

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