China's best employers pay more attention to improving their employee's work environment, training and development than most other companies, according to a report on China's 100 best employers released on Tuesday.
本次评选以雇主形象(employer image)、雇主文化(enterprise culture)、薪酬福利(salaries and welfare)、工作环境(work environment)、组织管理(management system)和培训发展(training and development)为指标,由人力资源评审团、企业雇员、学术专家和媒体人进行综合投票打分决定。
According to the report, nearly 75 percent of surveyed employees were satisfied with the work environment provided by the 100 best employers. They also rated much higher on employer image, management system and salaries.
今年的百强企业34%为外商独资(wholly foreign-owned enterprises)、75%位于一线城市、65%规模在万人以上,呈现出“强者恒强“的局面,但也在侧面反映出强者制胜的原因在于通过重视雇佣关系,对人才得以高效运营。