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In addition to these symptoms, people who are severely dehydrated will be very irritable and even confused, they will have a dry mouth along with dry mucous membranes.


When mucous membranes dry out, they are far less effective at blocking infection.


Even though they are similar in formulation to other powders, because they're constantly in contact with a mucous membrane, there's a higher risk of transferring bacteria to the product and then back to the eyes.


In addition to these symptoms, people who are severely dehydrated will be very irritable and even confused, they will have a dry mouth along with dry mucous membranes.


Covering a canine nose is a thin layer of mucous, which helps to trap scents and other particles in the air.


The scientists gave ethanol to laboratory rats and found that the stomach mucous membrane of those which had eaten strawberry extract for the previous ten days suffered less damage.


Even though they are similar in formulation to other powders, because they're constantly in contact with a mucous membrane, there's a higher risk of transferring bacteria to the product and then back to the eyes.

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