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For a long time Peter sat perfectly still, trying to puzzle out how Old Mr.


About two inches from it he stopped, and so far as Peter could see, he sat perfectly still.

英语原版故事:红狐狸历险记 (16)

Suddenly Billy Mink put a finger on his lips as a warning to Little Joe Otter to keep perfectly still.

英语原版故事: 白脚鼠的故事(22)

He knew that he was safe so long as he kept perfectly still.

英语原版故事: 白脚鼠的故事(16)

It had been a splendid place and one in which he had felt perfectly safe until Shadow the Weasel had appeared.

英语原版故事: 白脚鼠的故事(13)

I hope Jumper the Hare will have sense enough to keep perfectly still.

英语原版故事: 白脚鼠的故事(11)

"All I have to do is to keep right on sitting perfectly still, and I'll be as safe as if Whitey were nowhere about.

英语原版故事: 白脚鼠的故事(10)

It was by doing just what he was doing now,—sitting perfectly still.

英语原版故事: 白脚鼠的故事(8)

Farmer Brown's boy stood perfectly still and listened.

英语原版故事: 白脚鼠的故事(5)

He understood perfectly that little people like Whitefoot want their homes hidden away in the dark.

英语原版故事: 白脚鼠的故事(3)

Then, instead of going out, he sat down on a bench and kept perfectly still.


So they sat perfectly still among the brown stalks of the wild rice along the edge of the Big River, and not for a second did they take their eyes from that strange thing moving towards them.


" Lightfoot kept perfectly still and watched the hunter disappear among the trees.


For a few moments he stood there perfectly still, looking and listening.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 12》

'I'm perfectly well,' Beatrice said.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 11》

In the witness-box stood William Price, dressed in black, with kid gloves, not lounging in an ungainly attitude, as might have been expected, but perfectly erect; he kept his eyes fixed on the coroner's head.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 10》

'I say, wasn't last night perfectly awful?

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 8》

He did not need to be told that Anna was perfectly ignorant of the craft of pottery, and that every detail of it, so stale to him, would acquire freshness under her naïve and inquiring gaze.

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