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A woman baked chapatti for members of her family and an extra one for a hungry passerby.


A woman baked chapatti for members of her family and an extra one for a hungry passerby.


" Easter's simple act caught the attention of a passerby, who snapped a photo of the young woman and her customer, which she shared on social media.


One passerby who tried the burger, Manfred Roedder, said it was a good alternative to meat, adding: "I had reservations at first, but I got a second serving because it tasted so good.


True love is committed It's human nature to be attracted to other people, to allow your head to be turned by an attractive passerby.

沉迷刷屏的人 可能短暂失聪

" 'It also applies to drivers concentrating on complex directions as well as cyclists and motorists who are focusing intently on something such as an advert or even simply an interesting-looking passerby.

国外情侣被闪电击中 因牵手而幸免于难

" A passerby then came over to help them up and said that they had been hit directly.

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