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The Jumper
添加时间:2014-02-13 14:29:35 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • A long time ago, there were a flea1, a grasshopper2 and a paper doll. "I can jump higher than anyone else." The flea said arrogantly3. "No, I can jump higher than you." The grasshopper shouted at the top of his voice. The dancing paper doll smiled without saying a word.

    The flea and the grasshopper decided4 to compete with each other for the highest jump. They invited other people to their game. Even the king came to see their contest. "The one who jumps the highest can marry my daughter." The king said.

    First, the flea introduced himself like a gentleman. "I am a Flea who lives with people. I can jump higher than anyone else in the world."

    The grasshopper with his green cape5 stepped to the front and greeted the people. "My family is very famous for high jumping. My brothers are all wearing green capes6 and we can sing beautiful songs as well." Then the grasshopper sang a song in front of the audience. The people enjoyed his song very much and clapped.

    Finally, the paper doll came to the front. He was so shy that he didn't say a word and just bowed.

    "Well, let's start the match!" The flea took a deep breath and leaped up high. But something strange happened. The flea was too small for the audience to watch how high he jumped. "What? Did he jump or not?" The flea jumped up and fluttered7 as high as he could, but no one could see him.

    The grasshopper was next. He put all of his strength in his hind8 legs and jumped up. When he came down, he landed on the king's face. "How dare you jump on my face!" The king felt unpleasant and got angry. "Put that rude grasshopper in jail!"

    The paper doll got ready for the last turn. The king said to the paper doll in a loud voice. "I can't see the flea jumping, and that rude grasshopper dared to land on my face. If you make a fool of me like your two friends, you shall no longer live!"

    The audience worried about the paper doll and said, "Can he jump high?" "I think maybe he can't. He will die." Then, the paper doll made up his mind and stepped to the front. The cool breeze blew gently.

    The paper doll rose up in the air with the breeze. "He jumped up really high!" People were impressed by the paper doll. When he landed on the ground safely, the king was pleased with the paper doll very much and allowed him to marry his princess as he promised.

     单词标签: flea  grasshopper  arrogantly  decided  cape  capes  fluttered  hind 


    1 flea [fli:] dgSz3   第10级
    • I'll put a flea in his ear if he bothers me once more. 如果他再来打扰的话,我就要对他不客气了。
    • Hunter has an interest in prowling around a flea market. 亨特对逛跳蚤市场很感兴趣。
    2 grasshopper [ˈgrɑ:shɒpə(r)] ufqxG   第8级
    • He thought he had made an end of the little grasshopper. 他以为把那个小蚱蜢干掉了。
    • The grasshopper could not find anything to eat. 蚱蜢找不到任何吃的东西。
    3 arrogantly ['ærəgəntli] bykztA   第8级
    • The consular porter strode arrogantly ahead with his light swinging. 领事馆的门房提着摇来晃去的灯,在前面大摇大摆地走着。
    • It made his great nose protrude more arrogantly. 这就使得他的大鼻子更加傲慢地翘起来。
    4 decided [dɪˈsaɪdɪd] lvqzZd   第7级
    • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents. 这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
    • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting. 英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
    5 cape [keɪp] ITEy6   第7级
    • I long for a trip to the Cape of Good Hope. 我渴望到好望角去旅行。
    • She was wearing a cape over her dress. 她在外套上披着一件披肩。
    6 capes [keɪps] 2a2d1f6d8808b81a9484709d3db50053   第7级
    碎谷; 斗篷( cape的名词复数 ); 披肩; 海角; 岬
    • It was cool and they were putting on their capes. 夜里阴冷,他们都穿上了披风。
    • The pastor smiled to give son's two Capes five cents money. 牧师微笑着给了儿子二角五分钱。
    7 fluttered [ˈflʌtəd] 85b1a29c3fca2cf40850cc8ee4dc354e   第6级
    v.飘动( flutter的过去式和过去分词 );(心)快速跳动;振翼,拍翅膀
    • Flags fluttered in the breeze. 旗帜在微风中飘扬。
    • Imes concluded from her fluttered look that she had spent the money. 艾姆斯从她慌张的眼神推断出她花光了钱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    8 hind [haɪnd] Cyoya   第8级
    • The animal is able to stand up on its hind limbs. 这种动物能够用后肢站立。
    • Don't hind her in her studies. 不要在学业上扯她后腿。

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