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" Then he lighted the string of the firecracker, standing up on his hind legs to reach it, you see, and, as it was a long string, the fox knew it would burn some time before it would explode the firecracker.


There she was, with only part of her body and her hind legs sticking out, and she was eating the molasses as fast as she could.


" So he got up on the rope, standing up on his hind legs, and balancing the pole with his front paws and he steadied himself for a moment and then took a step.


Then she took hold of the branch in her teeth, and stood up on her hind legs and began to wiggle it up and down.


Then this concentrated brew is mixed in a long, deep vat with cubic gallons of hot water, and the sheep are caught by their hind legs and flung into the compound.


And then, during absolute silence, except for the bumping of a hind elbow of a hound dog as he pursued a wicked flea, Sam tenderly and carefully tied his guitar across his saddle on top of his slicker and coat.


Next he rose on his hind feet and pranced around, in a frenzy of enjoyment, with his head over his shoulder and his voice proclaiming his unappeasable happiness.


In the midst of the prayer a fly had lit on the back of the pew in front of him and tortured his spirit by calmly rubbing its hands together, embracing its head with its arms, and polishing it so vigorously that it seemed to almost part company with the body, and the slender thread of a neck was exposed to view; scraping its wings with its hind legs and smoothing them to its body as if they had been coat-tails; going through its whole toilet as tranquilly as if it knew it was perfectly safe.


" The 'Thriller' cat A short clip of a cat rearing up its hind legs raised laughs for its resemblance to Michael Jackson's dance routine in his music video to hit 1980s pop song Thriller.

英国语文第一册 第57期:两只小白兔

The big rabbit sits on his hind feet, and reaches to the top of the basket.

英国语文第一册 第39期:我的狗Dash

Dash at once stood up on his hind legs, and went through some tricks I had taught him.

英国语文第一册 第32期:Frisk和Ned

Then on his two hind legs,Frisk sits up and begs,while Ned, on his knee,counts one, two, three.


Cats hind their paws.


This is the hilarious moment a poodle dressed like a schoolboy ran through the streets on its hind legs.


The Mouse is a fair treat but this one would talk the hind leg off a donkey.


But then it was a Mouse on its hind legs and stood about two feet high.


So Farouk took a very lean cut from the hind quarter of a Waikato-raised bovine, turned into what he calls "chocolate butter", which I assume is a sort of fine paste, and handed it over to Devonport Chocolates to use in their confectionery.


One night several wolves were killed in an earthquake and this was blamed on the rabbits, for it is well known that rabbits pound on the ground with their hind legs and cause earthquakes.


There Ted found his beloved Brownie alive, one of his hind legs crushed in a steel leghold trap.


When Baby's tail is tucked between her hind legs, she's either frightened or being submissive.

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