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格林童话英文版:The Rose
添加时间:2014-03-20 14:44:48 浏览次数: 作者:Grimms
  • There was once a poor woman who had two children. The youngest had to go every day into the forest to fetch wood. Once when she had gone a long way to seek it, a little child, who was quite strong, came and helped her industriously1 to pick up the wood and carry it home, and then before a moment had passed the strange child disappeared. The child told her mother this, but at first she would not believe it. At length she brought a rose home, and told her mother that the beautiful child had given her this rose, and had told her that when it was in full bloom2, he would return. The mother put the rose in water. One morning her child could not get out of bed. The mother went to the bed and found her dead, but she lay looking very happy. On the same morning, the rose was in full bloom.

     单词标签: industriously  bloom 


    1 industriously [] f43430e7b5117654514f55499de4314a   第7级
    • She paces the whole class in studying English industriously. 她在刻苦学习英语上给全班同学树立了榜样。
    • He industriously engages in unostentatious hard work. 他勤勤恳恳,埋头苦干。
    2 bloom [blu:m] lofyX   第5级
    • The park is a picture when flowers are in bloom. 当鲜花盛开时,这个公园的景色美极了。
    • The flowers in the garden are now in full bloom. 花园里的花正在盛开。

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