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伊索寓言:The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow
添加时间:2014-04-08 14:38:02 浏览次数: 作者:Aesop
  • An Eagle had made her nest at the top of a lofty oak. A Cat, having found a convenient hole, lived with her kittens in the middle of the trunk; and a Wild Sow with her young had taken shelter in a hollow at its foot. The Cat resolved to destroy by her arts this chance-made colony. She climbed to the nest of the Eagle, and said: "Destruction is preparing for you, and for me too. The Wild Sow, whom you may see daily digging up the earth, wishes to uproot1 the oak, that she may, on its fall, seize our families as food." Then she crept down to the cave of the Sow and said: "Your children are in great danger; for as soon as you shall go out with your litter to find food, the Eagle is prepared to pounce2 upon one of your little pigs." When night came, she went forth3 with silent foot and obtained food for herself and her kittens; but, feigning4 to be afraid, she kept a look-out all through the day. Meanwhile, the Eagle, full of fear of the Sow, sat still on the branches, and the Sow, terrified by the Eagle, did not dare to go out from her cave; and thus they each, with their families, perished from hunger.

    Those who stir up enmities are not to be trusted.

     9级    伊索寓言 
     单词标签: uproot  pounce  forth  feigning 


    1 uproot [ˌʌpˈru:t] 3jCwL   第10级
    vt. 根除,连根拔起;迫使某人离开出生地或定居处 vi. 迁离;改变生活方式
    • The family decided to uproot themselves and emigrate to Australia. 他们全家决定离开故土,移居澳大利亚。
    • The trunk of an elephant is powerful enough to uproot trees. 大象的长鼻强壮得足以将树木连根拔起。
    2 pounce [paʊns] 4uAyU   第10级
    • Why do you pounce on every single thing I say? 干吗我说的每句话你都要找麻烦?
    • We saw the tiger about to pounce on the goat. 我们看见老虎要向那只山羊扑过去。
    3 forth [fɔ:θ] Hzdz2   第7级
    • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth. 风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
    • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession. 他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
    4 feigning [feɪnɪŋ] 5f115da619efe7f7ddaca64893f7a47c   第8级
    假装,伪装( feign的现在分词 ); 捏造(借口、理由等)
    • He survived the massacre by feigning death. 他装死才在大屠杀中死里逃生。
    • She shrugged, feigning nonchalance. 她耸耸肩,装出一副无所谓的样子。

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