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英文情书大全:A Love I Will Never Forget刻骨铭心的爱
添加时间:2014-08-15 18:55:22 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • To: Shortie ~ From: Nate

    Dear Shortie,

    Look, I don't know where to start. I love you. I have loved you since as long as I can remember, Shortie. I guess the first time I told was when I realized how much you meant to me. We have known1 each other for years. Once we got together, I couldn't believe how good things were going. It was too good to be true. It was perfect in the beginning. I loved you, and you loved me. I felt like that's the way it should still be.

    I didn't want you to leave - honestly, I didn't. If I could go back, I'd beg2 you to stay by my side. To know you'd be miles away was breaking my heart, but I wanted you to be happy. I wanted you to make a good future for yourself, for us. Now that I think about it, how could I have let you go? What was I thinking3 then? Look what has happened.

    I know we've been through the toughest4 of times. And because of that I think we are stronger than we thought. We lasted a good while. I'm so incredibly sorry for everything that I did wrong. I wish you could just tell me, and I would change it all. But, you know that neither of us were innocent5 when it came to hurting each other.

    When I said I would marry you, I meant it. I wanted to live my entire6 life loving you. We could have grown old together. I know you wanted that. It would have been great. But what happened to us, Shortie? Where did we go wrong? Wasn't our love untouchable? Wasn't it strong? I sit and think, and the only thing that best explains it is that we needed to be together physically7. Having you in one state and me in another was unbearable8. Although, I wanted to be with you so badly, I also have school and my life here. If I could go back I'd probably leave with you when I had the chance. Would things be better now or is this the way it is supposed to be?

    All I know is we may not be together now or maybe not ever again. But I want you to know that you are someone I will never ever forget. I loved you, and still love, and will always love you, no matter what. We've been through a lot. But that love is still there. I hope you find happiness9. I hope all your dreams come true. You deserve10 a lot.

    I feel very lucky to have had the chance to experience the love we once had. It's something I will forever11 cherish12. Please don't forget it. I know things aren't the best now, but at least we still have our friendship. That's where it all started. I just ask for one thing; be happy, and know that I'm happy. I will always think of you.

    Love always,

    Lucky Angel

     3级    美文 


    1 known [nəʊn] hpKzdc   第4级
    • He is a known artist. 他是一个知名的艺术家。
    • He is known both as a painter and as a statesman. 他是知名的画家及政治家。
    2 beg [beg] WQ5yf   第3级
    vt.乞求,乞讨;恳求,请求;vi. 乞讨;请求
    • He has to beg on the street to survive. 他为了生存,不得不在街头乞讨。
    • I beg you to pay attention. 我请你们注意听课。
    3 thinking [ˈθɪŋkɪŋ] ggzz2u   第3级
    • All thinking men will protest against it. 凡是有思想的人都会抗议这件事。
    • Thinking is mainly performed with words and other symbols. 思想主要是用言语和其他符号来表达的。
    4 toughest [] toughest   第3级
    adj. 强硬的,艰苦的,棘手的,严厉的 adv. 以强硬的态度 n. 暴徒; 恶棍
    • The deities believed that this was the toughest punishment. 责令西西弗推石的诸神以为这是对他最严厉的惩罚。 来自中国文学部分
    • Alcohol puts the liver through some of its toughest, most elaborate paces. 酒精使肝脏处于最为艰难,疲于奔命的状态之下。
    5 innocent [ˈɪnəsnt] J68xs   第5级
    • I'm not quite so innocent as to believe that. 我还不至于简单到相信那种事的地步。
    • I was very young, and very innocent. 我那时非常年轻,幼稚无知。
    6 entire [ɪnˈtaɪə(r)] Gosxn   第3级
    • The entire world consists of matter. 整个世界都是由物质组成的。
    • I've wasted an entire day on this. 在这上面我已经浪费了一整天的时间。
    7 physically [ˈfɪzɪkli] iNix5   第8级
    • He was out of sorts physically, as well as disordered mentally. 他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。
    • Every time I think about it I feel physically sick. 一想起那件事我就感到极恶心。
    8 unbearable [ʌnˈbeərəbl] alCwB   第7级
    • It is unbearable to be always on thorns. 老是处于焦虑不安的情况中是受不了的。
    • The more he thought of it the more unbearable it became. 他越想越觉得无法忍受。
    9 happiness ['hæpɪnəs] Ke3xG   第3级
    • I wish you the life of happiness and prosperity. 我祝你生活幸福、万事如意。
    • We all desire happiness and health. 我们都想得到幸福和健康。
    10 deserve [dɪˈzɜ:v] owaxR   第5级
    vt.应受,值得;vi. 应受报答,值得受赏
    • You really deserve a good beating,you naughty boy. 你这个调皮孩子真该打。
    • I do not deserve all the praises bestowed upon me. 我不配得到这些赞扬。
    11 forever [fərˈevə(r)] ai8xi   第3级
    adv.(=for ever)永远;总是
    • Teacher is powerful in a child's eyes forever. 老师在孩子们的心中永远是强者。
    • You can't depend on your parents forever. 你不能永远依赖你父母。
    12 cherish [ˈtʃerɪʃ] cherish   第6级
    • I cherish for you the liveliest feeling of affection and gratitude. 我对你怀有最强烈的爱和感激之情。
    • We must cherish experience acquired at the cost of blood. 我们必须珍惜用鲜血换来的经验。

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