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添加时间:2014-11-24 19:06:29 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • As a metaphor1 for the benefits of education, that statement is fine. But taken as a claim about the financial returns of a college degree, it poses two problems.


    The first is that students and their families still lack sufficient data to estimate long-term returns for specific college degrees the way investors2 do with stocks and bonds.


    The second problem is one of investment risk. Stock investors can manage risk by buying a diverse basket of shares, but a college student bets on a single asset: himself.


    That makes it crucial that students and their families understand the factors that affect the risk and return of a college investment in order to swing the math in their favor.

    上大学能带来更高的收入:美国劳工统计局(U.S. Bureau of Labor3 Statistics)称,去年拥有学士学位的人收入中值为一周1,053美元,而没上过大学的高中毕业生为一周638美元。去年大学毕业生的失业率为4.9%,而没上过大学的人失业率为9.4%。

    College brings higher pay: $1,053 a week for the median bachelor's degree holder4 last year, versus5 $638 for a high school graduate with no college, says the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Last year's unemployment rate was 4.9% for college grads versus 9.4% for those with no college.

    非营利组织美国大学理事会(College Board)在2010年的一份报告中(基于2008年数据)计算出,一个18岁入读四年制大学、并且大学阶段一直贷款的普通学生到33岁可以收回上大学的全部成本,包括因读大学而放弃的工资以及贷款利息。

    The College Board, a not-for-profit association, calculated in a 2010 report (based on 2008 data) that a typical student who enters a four-year college at age 18 and borrows his way through earns enough by age 33 to make up for his costs, including foregone wages and loan interest.


    If a bond paid for itself that quickly, the return would be between 5% and 6% a year. That's a handsome payoff; stocks have historically returned around 7% a year after inflation. And it says nothing of college's other benefits, such as enlightenment, fun and higher job satisfaction.

    有两个地方需要着重指出:大学理事会的估算假定所有人念的都是公立大学。公立大学的费用通常比私立大学便宜──常常会便宜很多──这就推高了回报。此外,该报告也没有考虑辍学或延期毕业等问题。哈佛大学教育学研究生院(Harvard Graduate School of Education)去年发布的一份报告显示,进入四年制大学学习的学生仅有56%在六年内取得学士学位。

    Two big caveats6: The College Board math assumes everyone goes to a public college. Those usually cost less than private ones─often a lot less─and that skews returns higher. The report also doesn't account for dropouts or extra college years. Only 56% of students who enroll7 in a four-year college earn a bachelor's degree within six years, according to a report last year by the Harvard Graduate School of Education.


    PayScale, a Seattle data firm, examines the links between pay and variables like colleges and majors. Its analysis, which also ignores dropouts but accounts for students who take longer to complete their degrees, finds an average yearly return of 4.4% for degrees from 853 schools. That assumes students get financial aid, as most do.

    学校与学校之间的回报水平差别很大;有超过100所学校的回报率为负,加州哈维玛德学院(Harvey Mudd College)、佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)、弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)等学校的年回报率超过11%。达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth)、哈佛(Harvard)、斯坦福(Stanford)和普林斯顿(Princeton)的回报率超过10%,不过纽约的皇后学院(Queens College)回报率也在10%以上──因为纽约州居民一年只需要支付5,000美元多一点的学费,而斯坦福一年的学费则为41,000美元左右。

    Returns vary sharply; they are negative for more than 100 schools and over 11% a year for ones like Harvey Mudd College in California, the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Virginia. Dartmouth, Harvard, Stanford and Princeton are over 10%, but so is Queens College in New York─where state residents pay just over $5,000 a year in tuition, versus about $41,000 for Stanford.

    PayScale的分析师凯蒂•巴尔达罗(Katie Bardaro)称,回报最低的一般是主要开设护理、刑事司法、社会学和教育学等专业的学校。回报最佳的通常是工程、计算机科学、经济学和自然科学等专业较强的学校。

    The worst returns tend to come from schools whose programs focus on nursing, criminal justice, sociology and education, says Katie Bardaro, an analyst8 at PayScale. The best returns are often from schools with strong engineering, computer science, economics and natural-science programs.


    There's a flip9 side: 'It's a lot harder to successfully graduate from those engineering programs,' says Ms. Bardaro.

    PayScale的分析未将一个学校的某一特定专业与其他学校相同专业进行对比。前美国教育统计专员(U.S. Commissioner10 of Education Statistics)、智囊机构美国研究协会(American Institutes for Research)副主席马克•施耐德(Mark Schneider)称,“在我们搞清楚这个问题之前,学生、学校指导老师和政策制定者都有些盲目。”

    PayScale's analysis doesn't show how a specific degree from one school compares with that same degree from another school. 'Until we know that, students, school counselors11 and policy makers12 are flying blind,' says Mark Schneider, former U.S. Commissioner of Education Statistics and vice13 president of American Institutes for Research, a think tank.

    施耐德建立了一家名为College Measures的数据统计公司来收集这类数据,并希望在今年晚些时候报告他的发现。此外,美国教育部(U.S. Department of Education)近期将发布“有酬就业”数据,其中包括贷款偿还率和负债收入比率数据。该信息意在揭示哪些学校合理利用了联邦助学资金,但它也将为我们了解教育回报情况提供线索。

    Mr. Schneider set up a data firm, College Measures, to collect such data, and hopes to report his findings later this year. In the meantime, the U.S. Department of Education is set to release 'gainful employment' data as soon as this coming week, including loan-repayment rates and debt-to-income ratios. The information is meant to show which schools are putting federal aid to good use, but it will also provide clues to returns.

    总部位于华盛顿的游说团体大学学费和绩效中心(Center for College Affordability14 and Productivity)负责人、俄亥俄大学(Ohio University)教授理查德•维德(Richard Vedder)称,在我们能够更加准确地预计大学的回报之前,学生和他们的家人应该考虑减少投资风险。毕竟,未偿还学生贷款现在已经超过了信用卡债务总额,就连宣布破产的人一般也还是要偿还学生贷款。

    Until we can predict college returns more accurately15, students and their families should think in terms of reducing investment risk, says Richard Vedder, an Ohio University professor and director of the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, a Washington-based advocacy group. After all, outstanding student loans now eclipse total credit-card debt, and even bankruptcy16 filers don't typically get out from under their school loans.


    Start with a frank assessment17 of performance. High school students with high grades and excellent test scores are likely to go to good schools and earn high returns on their investment, says Mr. Vedder. Middling performers can reduce risk by going to low-cost state and community colleges, perhaps transferring to another school after two years if they do well.

    大学理事会的分析师詹妮弗•马(Jennifer Ma)称,关于这个问题,只要能削减上大学的成本就可以降低投资风险。上大学的头两年住在家里对学生的社交生活没什么好处,但有可能提升他的投资回报。

    For that matter, anything that cuts college costs reduces investment risk, says Jennifer Ma, a College Board analyst. Living at home for the first two years of school won't do wonders for a student's social life, but it's likely to boost his returns.

    施耐德说,学生应该对扣除预期助学金后的大学净成本进行比较。(他们可以利用政府的大学导航(College Navigator)工具估算出净成本)。施耐德说,风险最大的投资是上费用高、没什么名气又不提供很多助学金的文理学院。反之,如果一个费用高的学校有名气而且助学金多,或许也是“值得投资”的。

    Mr. Schneider says students should compare net college costs after projected aid. (They can approximate net costs using the government's College Navigator tool) The riskiest18 investment is a high-cost liberal-arts college that lacks a strong brand name and doesn't offer much aid, says Mr. Schneider. By contrast, a high-cost school with a strong brand and plenty of aid may be a 'good buy.'

    PayScale的巴尔达罗称,学生应该先认真研究一下毕业后能拿到多少钱,再决定要花多少钱上大学。毕竟,将通货膨胀因素考虑在内的话,学杂费在过去20年里上涨了184%,但美国劳工部(Labor Department)的数据显示,大学毕业生的薪资只上涨了9%。

    PayScale's Ms. Bardaro says students should research carefully the pay they are likely to secure before deciding how much to spend on college. After all, tuition and fees have increased 184% in 20 years after accounting19 for inflation, but wages for college grads have risen just 9%, according to Labor Department data.


    Mr. Obama's investment tip is well-intentioned, but in college as on Wall Street, returns aren't guaranteed.

     10级    双语 


    1 metaphor [ˈmetəfə(r)] o78zD   第8级
    • Using metaphor, we say that computers have senses and a memory. 打个比方,我们可以说计算机有感觉和记忆力。
    • In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。
    2 investors [ɪn'vestəz] dffc64354445b947454450e472276b99   第8级
    n.投资者,出资者( investor的名词复数 )
    • a con man who bilked investors out of millions of dollars 诈取投资者几百万元的骗子
    • a cash bonanza for investors 投资者的赚钱机会
    3 labor ['leɪbə(r)] P9Tzs   第7级
    • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor. 我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
    • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor. 艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
    4 holder [ˈhəʊldə(r)] wc4xq   第7级
    • The holder of the office of chairman is reponsible for arranging meetings. 担任主席职位的人负责安排会议。
    • That runner is the holder of the world record for the hundred-yard dash. 那位运动员是一百码赛跑世界纪录的保持者。
    5 versus [ˈvɜ:səs] wi7wU   第7级
    • The big match tonight is England versus Spain. 今晚的大赛是英格兰对西班牙。
    • The most exciting game was Harvard versus Yale. 最富紧张刺激的球赛是哈佛队对耶鲁队。
    6 caveats [ˈkeɪvi:ˌæts] 48df864755bcc93c76f4c52b05b18aeb   第12级
    • I would offer a caveat for those who want to join me in the dual calling. 为防止发生误解,我想对那些想要步我后尘的人提出警告。 来自辞典例句
    • As I have written before, that's quite a caveat. 正如我以前所写,那确实是个警告。 来自互联网
    7 enroll [ɪn'rəʊl] Pogxx   第7级
    • I should like to enroll all my children in the swimming class. 我愿意让我的孩子们都参加游泳班。
    • They enroll him as a member of the club. 他们吸收他为俱乐部会员。
    8 analyst [ˈænəlɪst] gw7zn   第9级
    • What can you contribute to the position of a market analyst? 你有什么技能可有助于市场分析员的职务?
    • The analyst is required to interpolate values between standards. 分析人员需要在这些标准中插入一些值。
    9 flip [flɪp] Vjwx6   第7级
    • I had a quick flip through the book and it looked very interesting. 我很快翻阅了一下那本书,看来似乎很有趣。
    • Let's flip a coin to see who pays the bill. 咱们来抛硬币决定谁付钱。
    10 commissioner [kəˈmɪʃənə(r)] gq3zX   第8级
    • The commissioner has issued a warrant for her arrest. 专员发出了对她的逮捕令。
    • He was tapped for police commissioner. 他被任命为警务处长。
    11 counselors ['kaʊnsləz] f6ff4c2b4bd3716024922a76236b3c79   第8级
    n.顾问( counselor的名词复数 );律师;(使馆等的)参赞;(协助学生解决问题的)指导老师
    • Counselors began an inquiry into industrial needs. 顾问们开始调查工业方面的需要。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
    • We have experienced counselors available day and night. ) 这里有经验的法律顾问全天候值班。) 来自超越目标英语 第4册
    12 makers [] 22a4efff03ac42c1785d09a48313d352   第8级
    • The makers of the product assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality. 这一产品的制造商向我们保证说他们没有牺牲质量。
    • The makers are about to launch out a new product. 制造商们马上要生产一种新产品。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    13 vice [vaɪs] NU0zQ   第7级
    • He guarded himself against vice. 他避免染上坏习惯。
    • They are sunk in the depth of vice. 他们堕入了罪恶的深渊。
    14 affordability [əˌfɔ:də'bɪlətɪ] b765fd6126db9695d9d5b74d209e7527   第8级
    • Performance-Based Logistics Affordability: Can We Afford Categorical Conversion to Performance-Based Acquisition? 基于性能的后期的可承受性:能否担负得起向基于性能的采办的无条件的转变?
    • There would be no crisis of affordability, as't for food or clothing. 就想食物与服装一样,因为供给没有危机。
    15 accurately ['ækjərətlɪ] oJHyf   第8级
    • It is hard to hit the ball accurately. 准确地击中球很难。
    • Now scientists can forecast the weather accurately. 现在科学家们能准确地预报天气。
    16 bankruptcy [ˈbæŋkrʌptsi] fPoyJ   第9级
    • You will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy. 如果你想避免破产,就必须节省开支。
    • His firm is just on thin ice of bankruptcy. 他的商号正面临破产的危险。
    17 assessment [əˈsesmənt] vO7yu   第7级
    • This is a very perceptive assessment of the situation. 这是一个对该情况的极富洞察力的评价。
    • What is your assessment of the situation? 你对时局的看法如何?
    18 riskiest [] 1bde46836ff069ee3e20570d2a701709   第8级
    冒险的,危险的( risky的最高级 )
    • With markets lately rising, the riskiest investments are finding takers. 他说,在周期高峰时,投资者会追逐风险最高的资产。
    • The riskiest subprime securitieshave almost no takers. 风险最高的次级证券几乎没有人持有。
    19 accounting [əˈkaʊntɪŋ] nzSzsY   第8级
    • A job fell vacant in the accounting department. 财会部出现了一个空缺。
    • There's an accounting error in this entry. 这笔账目里有差错。

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