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添加时间:2015-08-16 19:43:32 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • It is a $29bn org chart. If Googleexecutives mapped out their new corporate1 structure on something as antediluvian2 as a white board, they could stick a gold frame around it.


    Google’s shares rose by that amount, or 7 per cent, in after-hours trading on Monday when the company revealed it was creating a new holding company called Alphabet, with subsidiaries ranging from the core search and advertising3 business to Nest, which makes thermostats4, Fiber5, the high-speed internet provider, and Calico, the biotech company.


    At first sight, this is absurd. The balance sheet and cash flows will be unchanged. Larry Page, chief executive, calls it “cleaner”. The risk is it creates a mess, particularly in human resources. Even the top team is not exactly streamlined. Mr Page, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt move from Google to Alphabet, but Sundar Pichai moves from head of Google products to become chief executive of Google, and Ruth Porat, chief financial officer, will be CFO of both Alphabet and Google.

    乍一看,此举非常荒谬。资产负债表以及现金流都不会改变。首席执行官拉里椠吉(Larry Page)称其“更干净”。风险在于,此举制造了混乱,特别是在人力资源方面。就连最高层团队也并未真的精简。佩吉、谢尔盖布林(Sergey Brin)以及埃里克施密特(Eric Schmidt)从谷歌移至Alphabet,但是桑德尔皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)从谷歌产品主管升任谷歌首席执行官,而首席财务官露丝波拉特(Ruth Porat)将成为Alphabet和谷歌两家的CFO。

    Further down the organisation6, life gets more compartmentalised. It is not obvious that working in a silo at Company XYZ, “an Alphabet subsidiary”, is as attractive as working on complex issues across today’s Google.


    There could be benefits to disclosures. At the moment, Google’s are paltry7 for a $487bn company, with barely any breakdown8 between lines of business. But the board has stopped short of giving each independent company its own public financials. Each apart from Google, will be contained in the same “non-Google” revenue line. That is hardly a revolution in transparency.


    There is one big advantage. The core Google business may have been relegated9 to just another subsidiary and it may have lost Mr Page as day-to-day chief executive. But he has seemed more interested in new projects for some time. With a more dedicated10 management team, the performance of Google could improve. And with separated financials, the market can finally see what are already reputed to be fearsome margins11.


     11级    英语新闻 


    1 corporate [ˈkɔ:pərət] 7olzl   第7级
    • This is our corporate responsibility. 这是我们共同的责任。
    • His corporate's life will be as short as a rabbit's tail. 他的公司的寿命是兔子尾巴长不了。
    2 antediluvian [ˌæntidɪˈlu:viən] 7oyy1   第11级
    • His ideas are positively antediluvian! 他的思想是纯粹的老古董。
    • This antediluvian monetary system has now been replaced by the up-to-date monetary system of Japan. 这种旧式的金融体系也已经被现代化的日本系统所取代。
    3 advertising [ˈædvətaɪzɪŋ] 1zjzi3   第7级
    n.广告业;广告活动 adj.广告的;广告业务的
    • Can you give me any advice on getting into advertising? 你能指点我如何涉足广告业吗?
    • The advertising campaign is aimed primarily at young people. 这个广告宣传运动主要是针对年轻人的。
    4 thermostats [ˈθɜ:məˌstæts] c813adaaae323a2d169db68d50faf5c2   第10级
    n.恒温(调节)器( thermostat的名词复数 )
    • This is the basic operating principle of many thermostats. 这是许多恒温箱的基本工作原理。 来自辞典例句
    • Thermostats can be used to regulate the temperature of a room. 恒温器可用来调节室内温度。 来自辞典例句
    5 fiber ['faɪbə] NzAye   第7级
    • The basic structural unit of yarn is the fiber. 纤维是纱的基本结构单元。
    • The material must be free of fiber clumps. 这种材料必须无纤维块。
    6 organisation [ˌɔ:gənaɪ'zeɪʃən] organisation   第8级
    • The method of his organisation work is worth commending. 他的组织工作的方法值得称道。
    • His application for membership of the organisation was rejected. 他想要加入该组织的申请遭到了拒绝。
    7 paltry [ˈpɔ:ltri] 34Cz0   第11级
    • The parents had little interest in paltry domestic concerns. 那些家长对家里鸡毛蒜皮的小事没什么兴趣。
    • I'm getting angry;and if you don't command that paltry spirit of yours.如果你不能振作你那点元气我就要生气了,。
    8 breakdown [ˈbreɪkdaʊn] cS0yx   第7级
    • She suffered a nervous breakdown. 她患神经衰弱。
    • The plane had a breakdown in the air, but it was fortunately removed by the ace pilot. 飞机在空中发生了故障,但幸运的是被王牌驾驶员排除了。
    9 relegated [ˈreliɡeitid] 2ddd0637a40869e0401ae326c3296bc3   第10级
    v.使降级( relegate的过去式和过去分词 );使降职;转移;把…归类
    • She was then relegated to the role of assistant. 随后她被降级做助手了。
    • I think that should be relegated to the garbage can of history. 我认为应该把它扔进历史的垃圾箱。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
    10 dedicated [ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd] duHzy2   第9级
    • He dedicated his life to the cause of education. 他献身于教育事业。
    • His whole energies are dedicated to improve the design. 他的全部精力都放在改进这项设计上了。
    11 margins ['mɑ:dʒɪnz] 18cef75be8bf936fbf6be827537c8585   第7级
    边( margin的名词复数 ); 利润; 页边空白; 差数
    • They have always had to make do with relatively small profit margins. 他们不得不经常设法应付较少的利润额。
    • To create more space between the navigation items, add left and right margins to the links. 在每个项目间留更多的空隙,加左或者右的margins来定义链接。

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