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:、、、 Review: an ongoing process : Day One ·After you have read and recited the entire chapter, write questions in the margins for those points you have highlighted or underlined.


Strong margins, swift momentum and that megatrend of more mobile workforces have earned Zeus Living a new $55 million Series B round it's announcing on TechCrunch today.


25-inch, left-side "down lines," or margins.


: Stars: popular items with high margins : Plow Horses: popular items with low margins : Dogs: unpopular items with low margins : Puzzles: unpopular items with high margins : Examples of stars include pizzas, pastas, and omelets, which are popular, and relatively cheap to make, especially in bulk.

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Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft who now focuses on the philanthropic work of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, had been scribbling notes in the margins of books he was reading and then emailing recommendations to friends and colleagues.


Operating margins rose to 39 per cent, from 32 per cent in the same period in 2016.


While Microsoft and Alibaba won by the slimmest of margins — at accuracy levels a few basis points above humans' 82.


Some complain about the thin margins of a model that burdens their staff with the work of picking products off the shelves and delivering them.


" In "The Florida Project," he tells a deeply American story of children and adults struggling at the margins of Disney World, creating a 21st-century "Grapes of Wrath" with psychedelic color and gobs of spit.

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Where flocks of wild ducks come when the rains are over, and thick reeds grow round the margins where waterbirds lay their eggs; ,,, ; Where snipes with their dancing tails stamp their tiny footprints upon the clean soft mud; ,; Where in the evening the tall grasses crested with white flowers invite the moonbeam to float upon their waves.


This will enable us to drive sustainable growth and higher margins over time, whilst continuing to deliver attractive returns to shareholders.


Chinese technocrats have pushed companies to develop "national champion" brands and capture premium margins in fields ranging from autos to cosmetics.


With razor-thin profit margins, restaurateurs find they can increase wages only so much.


Mr Farmer said it was likely developers' margins would be squeezed even with the changes to their building plans.

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Zuckerberg and Chan hope that their effort will inspire other far-reaching efforts and collaboration in science, medicine and engineering, so that basic research is no longer relegated to the margins.


Pre-tax profit margins in Asia-Pacific private banking are 21% - in Europe, margins are 25%-26%, according to research from the Boston Consulting Group.


Chinese households are rapidly warming to the idea of borrowing money to buy a car, as automakers push financing deals to boost sales and margins.


Rising labour costs and increases in commercial rents are putting pressure on margins and while some Chinese retailers have addressed this by pursuing a 24-hour, micro-store strategy, this is difficult for Western retailers to replicate.

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