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添加时间:2016-04-18 20:41:56 浏览次数:489 作者:未知
  • As a recent college grad, I was starting to figure out this adult life thing — I got a job, found a place to live and managed to balance a social life with these new 9-5 responsibilities. Things were going according to plan, until they weren't. I lost my dad suddenly to cancer, and that's when it felt as if nothing would ever be good again.


    I second-guessed all of my choices and simultaneously1 assumed2 that everyone else had it all figured out. I counted the ways I felt cheated: My grief3 felt crippling4; my job started to lose its luster5; I didn't have the bank account I wanted; I didn't like the way I felt on the inside, which translated to how I felt about how I looked and how I acted. I was cranky... a lot. I was tired of seeing friends accelerating6 into adult life while each day felt like a challenge I had to overcome. I was sad from top to bottom and from the inside out — until I heard a quote that quite literally7 changed my life.


    "If you can't change a situation, change your mind."


    I was in the middle of a yoga class, and it felt like the teacher was speaking directly to me. I can't remember which pose8 I was in, the song that was playing or the day of the week, but I do remember feeling his words reverberate9 in my bones. It was a wake up call, and I chose to listen.


    Grief is real. And the things dragging me down were mostly out of my control, but my attitude was something only I could manage. So I started over. I fiercely protected my attitude and reactions to situations the way a mother bear might care for her cub10. I had always been such a happy person and I wanted to be that person again.


    I wrote the quote down on post-it notes and stuck them everywhere: on my bedroom mirror, across the back of my phone case and even on my laptop keyboard. I doodled it on my to-do lists and wrote it in my journal11. I repeated it to myself constantly. I wanted to feel better, and now I had a plan. Timing12 is everything. If I wasn't ready, the best advice of my life might have fallen on deaf ears. But I wanted so badly to feel better.


    Slowly, I formed a new habit. "If you can't change a situation, change your mind" became my go-to response for everything from a claustrophobic subway car to a terrible date to a disagreement with a friend. Of course there were days when I felt awful despite my best efforts. And there are still moments when negativity gets the best of me.


    But I made a promise to myself to wake up every day and try. Feeling angry and upset won't change anything about so many situations I found myself in — in fact, it usually made things worse. Changing something I could control, like my mind, made all the difference.


     5级    美文 


    1 simultaneously [ˌsɪməl'teɪnɪəslɪ] 4iBz1o   第8级
    • The radar beam can track a number of targets almost simultaneously. 雷达波几乎可以同时追着多个目标。
    • The Windows allow a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously. Windows允许计算机用户同时运行多个程序。
    2 assumed [əˈsu:md] assumed   第5级
    adj.假定的, 假装的 动词assume的过去式和过去分词
    • The assumed linearity of these equations can be related to the uniformity of space and time.所假定的这些方程的线性,可归因于空间和时间的均匀性。
    3 grief [gri:f] DfHxP   第6级
    • Don't allow yourself to sink into grief, it can do no good. 不要使自己陷入悲哀之中,这样一点好处也没有。
    • After her mother died, she abandoned herself to grief. 母亲死后,她沉浸于悲痛之中。
    4 crippling ['krɪplɪŋ] yvoz0p   第6级
    • He was burdened with crippling debts. 他负债累累,深受其害。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    • The American military presence on the islands had suffered a crippling blow. 该群岛上的美国部队受到了严重打击。 来自辞典例句
    5 luster ['lʌstə] n82z0   第10级
    • His great books have added luster to the university where he teaches. 他的巨著给他任教的大学增了光。
    • Mercerization enhances dyeability and luster of cotton materials. 丝光处理扩大棉纤维的染色能力,增加纤维的光泽。
    6 accelerating [æk'seləreitiŋ] QzbzuM   第5级
    • To add to the befuddlement, the expansion of the universe now seems to be accelerating, a process with truly mind-stretching consequences. 更叫人迷糊的是,现今宇宙的膨胀似乎正在加速之中,这真是让人连脑子也一起跟着膨胀。
    • The accelerating inflation was cause for great concern. 加速的通货膨胀引起人们强烈关注。
    7 literally [ˈlɪtərəli] 28Wzv   第7级
    • He translated the passage literally. 他逐字逐句地翻译这段文字。
    • Sometimes she would not sit down till she was literally faint. 有时候,她不走到真正要昏厥了,决不肯坐下来。
    8 pose [pəʊz] 0ukyP   第6级
    • He sat in a relaxed pose. 他轻松自如地坐着。
    • He always strikes such a dignified pose before his girlfriend. 他总是在女友面前摆出这种庄严的姿态。
    9 reverberate [rɪˈvɜ:bəreɪt] 1BIzS   第9级
    • The decision will reverberate and will jar the country. 这项决定将引起反响并震撼这个国家。
    • Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. 痛苦呼喊的一遍遍的在我的心中回响。
    10 cub [kʌb] ny5xt   第9级
    • The lion cub's mother was hunting for what she needs. 这只幼师的母亲正在捕猎。
    • The cub licked the milk from its mother's breast. 这头幼兽吸吮着它妈妈的奶水。
    11 journal [ˈdʒɜ:nl] g3Ex2   第5级
    • He kept a journal during his visit to Japan. 他在访问日本期间坚持记日记。
    • He got a job as editor of a trade journal. 他找到了一份当商业杂志编辑的工作。
    12 timing [ˈtaɪmɪŋ] rgUzGC   第8级
    • The timing of the meeting is not convenient. 会议的时间安排不合适。
    • The timing of our statement is very opportune. 我们发表声明选择的时机很恰当。

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